Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You heard about the eh education secretary 's faux pas somebody from Jack section , he , he 's apparently he slipped up er , and said right and Jack said to him I was to tell the education authorities suggest that you do when the education er clerk turn to Mr and said you are just , streaming is when he put one child in the same group for all subjects , setting is when there in different groups according to their ability , so you could be a Maths set A or an English set B , awkward is n't it ?
2 In spite of official acceptance of the suggested reforms by both government and the Civil Service , various examinations into the implementation of the proposals suggest that they have had very little real effect .
3 Unfortunately many researchers report that they do n't seem to be able to find time for such ‘ extra ’ activities because of overload from other more pressing work .
4 Most of us try to stop fights , if only to protect the smaller child , but many experts suggest that we interfere too soon .
5 Teachers in special schools are paid an additional allowance , but the small size of the schools and the move towards integrating children with special needs into ordinary schools mean that they have fewer prospects for promotion than teachers in mainstream schools .
6 The cream need only be lightly massaged with the finger tips either once or twice a day and the manufacturers stress that you do not have to knead or use a special applicator .
7 He might also have said ‘ My hormones insist that I fall in love regularly .
8 Most readers report that they infer from ( 9 ) that John is a schoolboy , among other things .
9 But even those who discard books forget that they exist in a real world and that the booksellers sell to real customers .
10 However , if my peers decide that I have violated our psychological contract then they , too , have great power to influence my behaviour .
11 Present guidelines advise that you stick with breast or formula milk until at least six months , although some nutritionists feel that , because cow 's milk is low in iron and vitamin D , it should n't be given to babies under a year .
12 Sociobiologists claim that they have a general theory about animal behaviour , and the category " animal " includes " man " .
13 Bilingual lobbyists argue that they do not seek to challenge English as the state 's official language , merely to help recent immigrants , as well as foreign tourists and businessmen .
14 Most manufacturers recommend that you change the water daily .
15 By cumulating citation percentages within decades , the authors deduce that they require a mathematical function containing two exponential terms to describe data .
16 Of course , most countries deny that they torture people .
17 NATO countries say that they do not want a ‘ dual key ’ arrangement , in which an officer from the US and the host country have to turn their keys simultaneously before a weapon can be launched .
18 Many countries say that they have to make arms to give the population jobs .
19 Miners say that they indicate the whereabouts of the ore by tapping on the shaft walls with their antler-picks , hence the name .
20 Depth of sleep Many parents say that they think their child wets the bed because of being in such deep sleep .
21 Melanee does not have a fixed career pattern planned ahead , ( models acknowledge that they have a short shelflife ) .
22 In some cases it has not been clear from the notes to the accounts whether the directors consider that they have departed from a specific statutory rule and that the true and fair view override is being invoked .
23 Some parents complain that they feel rather awkward going up to their child , when ( for example ) she is not behaving badly , in order to say , ‘ You are painting so nicely , I really feel pleased ’ .
24 Whatever Conservative Members may believe , I can assure them that there is a climate of fear among offshore workers who believe — rightly or wrongly , but I think rightly — that many employees are subject to discrimination because companies or contractors consider that they have placed too much emphasis on safety matters .
25 Businessmen complain that they fail to produce the modern self-reliant worker they need .
26 ‘ We know that if the Conservatives decide that they want to prove something , they can always find instances , ’ said one .
27 erm I think first you have to relate to so many teachers erm as a parent of a secondary school child , and this is obviously a much more complicated procedure and also I think parents , many parents feel that they know a little bit less about what their children are doing at school at the secondary stage , it 's all that little bit more advanced , that little bit more different perhaps from what they had in their own education .
28 With his own modest roots he dismisses the attacks on a class-based judiciary : ‘ The youngsters believe that we come from a narrow background — it 's all nonsense — they get it from that man Griffith . ’
29 Some companies feel that they have had a beneficial effect on their trading situation , while others feel that their competitive position has been seriously undermined .
30 In the pathfinder prospectus for next month 's stock market flotation , published today , the directors state that they see ‘ the greatest potential for profitable growth ’ from privatisation of the 32 remaining municipally-owned bus operations and 10 London bus companies .
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