Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] that we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most of us try to stop fights , if only to protect the smaller child , but many experts suggest that we interfere too soon .
2 With his own modest roots he dismisses the attacks on a class-based judiciary : ‘ The youngsters believe that we come from a narrow background — it 's all nonsense — they get it from that man Griffith . ’
3 Unrealistically high expectations ensure that we maintain our addiction and keep our guilt levels high .
4 Psychologists believe that we hold on to certain stories because they enable us to make sense of an otherwise confusing world — that we learn through stories and see our way through to maturity with their help .
5 The figures suggest that we have .
6 Is my hon. Friend aware that there was a serious fall-off in the number of people presenting themselves for eye tests for a considerable period after the charges were introduced and that the current figures show that we have not yet made up that gap ?
7 It is in this sense that the scientific management approach and that of the Human Relations school that we discussed in earlier chapters are both managerialist in that increased efficiency of the organisation is the context for both approaches .
8 Dean said : ‘ At a time when government health policy objectives indicate that we need more not fewer community nurses , some health authorities have indicated that the number of district nurses may be halved . ’
9 That is an important assurance and it stands four-square with the patients charter that we published earlier this week .
10 The media seem unwilling to publish anything that might challenge the certitude with which editors , politicians , judges and others insist that we know how to increase measurable intelligence or that test data ‘ prove ’ , to use The New York Times 's word , that a poor environment causes familial retardation .
11 Maybe boys think that we dress up to impress them , but they will only say something looks nice if it looks obviously sexy ; other than that , they 're hopeless .
12 But when we have got such a satisfactory outcome , unless subsequent events show that we have got it wrong , or that we have wrongly read the environment or some other major change , we would aim to stick with it for some years .
13 Liberal Democrats know that we have a duty , not only to each other but to the generations which follow us , to protect the environment .
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