Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Duke of Northumberland 's Archive ( Alnwick and Middlesex ) The Percy family and its successors have been prominent in English history since the thirteenth century , firstly as earls , and later as dukes , of Northumberland .
2 Fans have been constant in their opposition to all-seater .
3 Visitors through the centuries have been impressed by the beauty and harmony of these proportions . ’
4 In its November 1987 Offer For Sale Eurotunnel stated that ‘ safety and security considerations have been central to the overall design of the System and the plans for its operation ’ .
5 Fortunately , major contemporary building styles have been subject to detailed analysis in terms of their social significance .
6 There is currently a move towards Community Education in the Urban and Burgh schools ; rural schools have been involved in this , informally for a long time .
7 We shall see below how different schools have been involved in one or more of these types of situation , but for the present two illustrations should suffice to demonstrate the potential of this classification .
8 In Tasmania , however , schools have been responsible for allocating resources for some time .
9 The stables have been open for one year this November .
10 These solutions have been successful in providing users with the ability to fire off queries to multiple databases .
11 These solutions have been successful in providing users with the ability to fire off queries to multiple databases .
12 Because of these difficulties artificial bile solutions have been prepared to a total ionic strength of 0.295 mmol/l .
13 Monetarists have been hostile to Keynesian attempts at demand management in principle , arguing that they are inflationary .
14 The women 's organizations have been instrumental in promoting women 's rights , particularly the need to train women , to assume responsibilities outside the domestic sphere , They are running various workshops and co-operatives which were initially started through the financial support of women 's groups in Europe and elsewhere .
15 And it has repeatedly bragged that its fighters have been responsible for the mounting attacks on policemen , 226 of whom were killed last year .
16 The developed nations have been lavish with advice .
17 Thus one often encounters the claim that a large number of Quakers ( and other dissenters ) contributed significantly to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century physical science and that Jews have been preeminent in mathematics , physics , and psychiatry in the twentieth century .
18 Safe as the Mark 3 coaches have been , however , their designers have been responsible for actually causing one or two accidents because straps and fixings holding underfloor equipment were inadequate and worked loose , allowing major items to fall off .
19 The fact that such apparently simple management methods work is astonishing to some parents .
20 And there has been an unexpected spin-off — because SNIA Fibre is a subsidiary of a chemicals group controlled by Fiat , cars have been available for UK Novaceta workers at discounted prices .
21 Cardboard cutout policemen have been known to reduce shoplifting in supermarkets , and cardboard patrol cars have been effective at slowing down motorway speeders .
22 Cars have been popular in the movies since Mack Sennett was wrecking them around 1914 in such shorts as Lizzies of the Field — not funny to some members of early audiences , who were trying to save up for a Ford Model T or ‘ tin Lizzy ’ .
23 Already in the sixth century BC , at the time when Buddha and Mahavira lived , that part of India was ruled by the Achaemenids of Iran , and Iranian influences have been important in India ever since .
24 Some parties have been assiduous in doing so , others have not .
25 Indians of many parties have been terrified by the prospect of escalating Hindu-Muslim violence , highlighted in Meerut in Uttar Pradesh during the first round of voting , when 19 people were killed .
26 in choosing a laterality index subsequent authors have been interested in the statistical correlation between various indices of laterality and overall accuracy .
27 Inevitably single women with children and elderly women form an important part of this group , and indeed , housing associations and co-ops have been important in providing groups with an opportunity to live collectively as a positive alternative to the nuclear family .
28 Many Branches have been fortunate in making successful collections in their local Tesco stores for several years .
29 These changes have also been socially differentiated , because in-migrants and out-migrants have been selective in terms of age , sex and socio-economic characteristics .
30 The lads have been great in helping me to settle in .
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