Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The umpires check it at the end of every over .
2 Nurses volunteer their services when they wish to work and managers engage them at the times required .
3 In the stands , spontaneous combustion provokes smouldering enthusiasm amongst the spectators , while on the playing area fielders fling themselves at the ball and into the advertising hoardings around the boundary in frenzied attempts to save runs .
4 From the point of view of an application system carrying out final plausibility checks , CLE- I logical forms emerge one at a time , with no scoring information attached , and the application must decide which one to accept using an essentially binary , absolute plausibility test .
5 Windscreen washers greet you at every corner , and if you give money , lean into your car window , shouting ‘ We a one blood ! ’ , the words ringing with pride .
6 Low temperatures place them at no obvious disadvantage — they have evolved physiological systems that allow them to move just as fast as temperate or tropical fish , and they are no easier to catch .
7 At most colleges GCSE candidates pack two subjects into a week ; A level students take one at a time .
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