Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 the French are convinced that the Germans want to preserve their monetary hegemony as EMU approaches : the more dominant the Mark is , the more Germany will be able to dictate conditions and draw up plans for a European central bank based on the Bundesbank .
2 Their political candidates tend to do their traditional rounds of local shops , market places and cafes almost incognito , with no party rosette to show who they are .
3 At Barclays we understand that choosing the right savings account to suit your own particular needs can be confusing .
4 Choosing a savings account to match your individual needs can raise a number of questions .
5 For , having barely embarked on their first Industrial Revolution , many Third World nations tend to regard their tribal peoples with the same antagonism which caused the " maturer " nations to extinguish theirs just a century earlier .
6 A cynic will remember that research into the opinion-forming powers of newspapers has tended to conclude that readers expect to have their existing views confirmed .
7 And if any readers want to reveal their previous loves , send us the details at the above address , with your daytime telephone number .
8 One by-product of investigations into grammar has been the production of introductory books like Teach Yourself English Grammar , and A University Grammar of English , which provide accounts of most basic aspects of sentence formation .
9 In addition , as developing , nations attempt to market their raw materials or commodities on a global and ‘ just in time ’ basis , they will need to resort to SeaDocs ' like systems .
10 Nottinghamshire SSD had tried to avoid applying for powers under a care order to remove three children from their home by going instead for a prohibited steps order to exclude their abusing father .
11 Should any of your readers wish to join their local society , I will gladly forward details , wherever possible , of their local society with a contact name , address and meeting place if they wish to write to me , enclosing an SAE .
12 In fact , the priority of base layers , as most manufacturers prefer to call them these days , is to keep you dry rather than warm .
13 In languages which sound melodious to English ears like Italian and Spanish this has already happened — many words have lost their final vowels .
14 Pogo 's production is expansive and clear , especially on the slower , more serious ‘ Bad Person ’ , and the rappers have devised their own slang , too , so repeated listening is encouraged .
15 Both characteristics have inhibited their own effects on psychology .
16 Also , encouragement is being given by the fuel industries to install new kitchens with combustion free , stream-lined equipment in a move towards the clinically clean kitchen which is environmentally safe and has energy efficiency in mind — microwave and electric conversion combinations have proved themselves successful in this respect .
17 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
18 For some reason , the makers of this trash still think that all metal fans have had their frontal lobes seared from their skulls , and would n't know an intelligent sentence if it jumped up and shouted ‘ moron ’ in their earholes .
19 But all provinces have developed their own list of core servies and many are now de-insuring specialties such as cosmetic surgery in a bid to constrain the growth rate of health budgets .
20 The H2-antagonists have had their own complications .
21 I think the time has probably passed now , all the schools have got their own budgets , they 've got their own builders who are giving them a good service , and I doubt whether this is the time to resurrect that , especially with local government review not far off , and the future of a county-wide D S O in some doubt , when it comes to local government review .
22 Some schools have transformed their youngest classes so they resemble nursery schools , says Sandra Brown .
23 Local authorities whose members believe that their particular ideologies should be furthered through schools have added their own ingredients .
24 As a result of my article on computer tidal prediction in the December issue , several readers have asked what practical advice I can offer about the effects of abnormal meteorological conditions on tide predictions and when to apply correction to take them into account .
25 No fewer than twenty lucky readers have won our third prize of a Recta D0310 compass and a 905 Liquipak .
26 More than 12,000 TODAY readers have requested our FREE Lock It ! windscreen stickers to remind drivers to lock car doors before driving off .
27 The manufacturers plan to emphasize their earlier warning to doctors that the drug should not be given to patients allergic to aspirin or other non-steroid anti inflamatory inflammatory drugs .
28 The more the institutions of representative government demand technical efficiency from administrative organizations , the more those organizations have found it necessary to employ specialists and the more difficult it has been for the judgements of the career officials to be resisted .
29 It was suggested that Library staff could take over this function , since they are scanning the journals in any case , and the work would lend itself to the eventual creation of an image database , but Library staff shortages have made it impossible to undertake this work systematically .
30 Some clients have carpeted their own rooms and got their own curtains and things like that .
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