Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His conclusion that the case did not fall within the class of cases involving unlawful demands colore officii is in line with what I consider to be the correct approach as enunciated by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ .
2 After 24 hours haematocrit values were within the normal range ( 44 ( 1 ) % ) .
3 AN INQUIRY into the rates credit card companies charge shops is to be carried out by the Office of Fair Trading .
4 As lobbying becomes fierce for lottery licenses here , across the Atlantic how companies win contracts is under investigation .
5 Council officials say lives were at risk from mechanical defects , including faulty brakes .
6 Originally the Wabi and Public Windows Interface announcement were to be made separately , with PWI slated for May 19 .
7 Originally the Wabi and Public Windows Interface announcement were to be made separately , with Public Windows Interface slated for May 19 , and there were said to have been long discussions over the wisdom of fusing the two together .
8 For every £1.00 you give , the children get £1.33 's worth or help .
9 The police believe magistrates are under pressure to grant bail , even when officers advise them it could be dangerous .
10 Another area where salespeople provide service is in trade selling .
11 PEAS capital gains tax savings were of value only to those whose capital gains had in the given year exceeded the free allowance — not a predicament in which the average punter found himself .
12 Some analysts believe Amec is in a strong enough position to give shareholders a marginal increase in their dividends .
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