Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [adv prt] over the " in BNC.

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1 Place the horses inside the stable holes , securing them with royal icing and positioning them so that their heads peep out over the doors .
2 The Great Turtle was a mere hypothesis until the day the small and secretive kingdom of Krull , whose rim-most mountains project out over the Rimfall , built a gantry and pulley arrangement at the tip of the most precipitous crag and lowered several observers over the Edge in a quartz-windowed brass vessel to peer through the mist veils .
3 Evidently there were nesting holes in the sheer face below them , for as the light grew they saw three or four martins dart out over the stream and away into the fields beyond .
4 The gardens look out over the Bay of Tremezzina , and all of the bedrooms have lovely lake views .
5 In the summer dusk the pale hatched moths float out over the riverside .
6 A few of these dykes reach the surface ; when they do so , a fissure eruption takes place , and basalt lavas pour out over the surface .
7 Most secondary market transactions in eurobonds occur in over the counter ( OTC ) trading , i.e. not on a recognised exchange ( partly for historical reasons but also due to the non-standardised nature of the instruments ) .
8 And when the first visors were introduced they made the heavy hats flop down over the troops ' faces .
9 With the large number of children spread out over the country , it was inevitable that visits were infrequent .
10 Officials claim there is an accident risk at the site because the pumps swing out over the pavement and delivery tankers stick out into the road .
11 Two discias , D. cordata , ‘ Ruby field ’ and D. stachyoïdes sprawl out over the gravel .
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