Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] be [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As we saw earlier , a central godhead whose manifold characteristics can be all things to all men is more powerful than a more parochial and less versatile spirit .
2 All kinds of circumstances could be such situations .
3 The basic research procedure is a postal inquiry , which will be succeeded by research workshops ; at these , the main participants will be those employers actually submitting a response to the inquiry .
4 Very large lenses up to 50 m thick form extensions of the permafrost , giving rise to steep-sided hills called pingos which in many tundra regions provide the highest relief Pingos may be many centuries old and covered with permanent vegetation .
5 Kerr includes a table of estimates in which it is clear that the ceilings of servants will be several feet lower , the cost of their rooms a mere quarter , and their floor space — despite their larger numbers — less than two-thirds of that allowed to the family .
6 In such cases , the building amplifies the motion it experiences at ground level , and the horizontal accelerations at the upper storeys can be several times those at the base .
7 A result of the Government 's proposals will be more inspections and reports .
8 Surely , if scientists , whose work is in the public domain and open to critical scrutiny , are prone to distortion , the police must be many times more vulnerable , seeing that police investigations are far less structured and not at all open to outside scrutiny .
9 Gainers will be those groups whose incomes rise more rapidly than the general price level : examples include those workers who are represented by strong trade unions or who are employed by benevolent employers .
10 Men can be such bastards … ’
11 It 's the first of what the prison hopes will be many steps forward .
12 Losers will be those groups whose incomes rise less rapidly than the general price level : examples include workers who are not represented by unions or who are only weakly unionised but face strong employer resistance to wage claims .
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