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1 Commenting on the thirty one thousand , er Mr 's erm er scenario , that the County Council would clearly think this to be erm unreasonable , it would clearly have regional implications er as I said earlier er in my opening remarks er the County Council would accept that it would n't be meeting its regional commitments , erm er it would be difficult in practice bearing in mind the level erm of commitment we 've got and there may well be local problems in in local housing markets with the level of er of growth er at that level .
2 Er yeah well all , all those things er and I thought the , the diagram was marvellous and you sort of to start with you , you were thinking ahead to doing this diagram and you could see that that 's what you were waiting to do and then once you did it you were up and running .
3 So those , Chairman , are the five points er that I wanted to raise on Greater York , and obviously we will be interested to hear the response round the table today .
4 I knew he had a wife , I did n't know whether he had children er and I knew that er he had previous history of er criminal nature .
5 Now in the lock museum I 've taken some locks th that I collected and took them over there they used to do speed locks butted locks sidecar locks er then , as the motor trade changed from all wood frames to metal frames , other types of locks , I took there but this is what is amazing me , they , at the lock museum they highlight all the Willinghall locks which are the padlocks , which are locks er wardrobe locks , cabinet locks and all the smaller type of locks but there was the biggest industry , I mean Walsall locks are still in existence now , they made er er locks for , for , for cars , the Bloxwich lock , that was their biggest trade was er , was er the bigger locks .
6 There are a number of options erm that I considered .
7 Well there were the jobs tha that I mentioned really , production manager or assistant director and now he would have been quite happy I know to have done those , because I remember talking about it you know er and he would have been very good at either of them , but erm er he he did n't get well he was a slightly abrasive man , he he he his erm I I think in a way erm he was a director who could who was not really a very good film director , he he could get things done very quickly and that 's why he worked for bash , bash , bash getting through everything quickly .
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