Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] have [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 ‘ the view of the courts may have undergone some change in regard to the relative rights of preference and ordinary shareholders … and to the disadvantage of the preference shareholders whose position has … become somewhat more approximated to [ that ] of debentureholders . ’
2 The concept of geographical provinces may have gained some currency because it could be understood as a biological equivalent of the nations of humanity — and the early nineteenth century was a period of strong nationalist feelings .
3 Another area of debate was the revocability or modification of rights conferred upon third parties ; if they could be revoked without the third party 's consent then they could not be truly considered rights ; if they could not , the treaty parties would have surrendered some of their autonomy .
4 Well I thought the kids would 've took some of it .
5 So expectations have been high , and companies would have felt some concern about the possible consequences of crossing the panel .
6 We have received no formal approaches of this sort although we believe some organisations may have expressed some informal interest to DTI .
7 But competition from Italy will be intense — even though the Italians may have drained some of their resources in their own tour , the Giro d'Italia in June .
8 The primitive insects must have found some of their food by climbing the trunks of the early tree ferns and horsetails .
9 Judging from his stock , funerals must have held some position of importance to have merited such an impressive display of hatchments .
10 Entry Requirements : Besides a First or Second Class Honours degree or its equivalent , applicants should have had some prior programming experience .
11 In the same way that the jobbing funeral furnisher was unable to undertake the obsequies of the nobility , likewise the top cabinet-makers would have refused some of their lesser clients , referring them to one of more able members of the trade .
12 In the first year , GP budget-holders will have to return some of their savings if their budgets prove too generous .
13 ‘ Those things must have implanted some sort of image in their mind , stimulated the right emotions to make them do it . ’
14 Countersigning officers should have received some training in JAR interviewing and counselling skills .
15 And in considering how such things could have fooled some of our most eminent Baroque scholars and performers , I leave the reader to judge whether the question mark in my title deserves to be there .
16 This year , however , organic growth will resume and even if interest rates remain high in the UK , customers will have to make some of those deferred purchases .
17 We have seen that the stone circles may have performed some function of protection and concentration — creating a special ‘ atmosphere ’ within which ritual or other activities could take place .
18 Pigs may have spent some time with the swineherd in the distant woodland , but part of the wood would have been cropped for fuel , poles , wood for repairs to buildings , fences , implements and so on , while a few trees may have been cut down for constructional work on the bridge over the Yeo or to build a new house .
19 Hence , the smaller the amount of equity the more likely it is that debt holders may have to bear some part of any losses .
20 Situations where subdivisions might have had some utility are served by the coordination of index terms at the search stage ( see 17.2 ) .
21 Maybe the maids would have left some of the rooms open , if there was nobody staying in them just now .
22 I hope that local education authorities will have learnt some valuable lessons from this year 's experience and that they will take great care to consider what contingency plans are needed to avoid being caught napping again by a late rush of applicants .
23 Stories and legends may have offered some sort of introduction to the more distant past , but it may well be necessary to use one of the school designed local history units as a " bridging " unit to work backwards in time , in a series of leaps , in order to bridge the chasm between history within living memory ( which will have been the natural focus for much work at Key Stage 1 ) and distant periods such as the age of Ancient Egyptians or Romans .
24 Even though Gundovald can never have said some of the things which Gregory attributes to him , the bishop of Tours must have had some reason for putting the words into his mouth .
25 Some of Britain 's most prolific bidders may have lost some of their confidence after recent setbacks .
26 Jenna 's shocked looks must have reached some deep core of humility in Ned Clarke .
27 As things are , President de Klerk 's hasty initiatives might have solved some of our problems , but they have certainly created others — problems which may not have abated but could well have intensified come 1995 .
28 The adventurers might have to find some information in Castle Drachenfels to enable them to track down the location of Ghal-Maraz , or they might have to ensure that the Great Enchanter remains safely dead and does n't enter the fray .
29 Others might have shown some sadness , regret or even heartbreak .
30 Most of our testers considered the driving position and seats close to perfect , but a couple of the taller specimens would have appreciated some sort of steering wheel adjustment to play off comfort against a clear view of the instruments .
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