Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The loss of key staff can be expensive in other ways too — their contracts may well provide for more costly redundancy provisions than for junior employees .
2 In extreme cases its creditors may then petition for it to be put into liquidation , that is convert all its assets into cash , usually on the unfavourable terms of a forced sale , in order to recover the sums owed to them .
3 In extreme cases its creditors may then petition for it to be put into liquidation , that is convert all its assets into cash , usually on the unfavourable terms of a forced sale , in order to recover the sums owed to them .
4 The Order was content that pre-petition assignees should still qualify for compensation under the scheme .
5 It is the price the arts must inevitably pay for a higher political profile .
6 Mr Allen said Mr Mason was joking when he called Mr Dinkins ‘ a fancy schvartze with a moustache ’ and that Jews would only vote for him out of guilt .
7 And of course , in Lord Darlington 's days , when ladies and gentlemen would often visit for many days on end , it was possible to develop a good understanding with visiting colleagues .
8 A wave of secondary schools will now apply for grant-maintained status .
9 This is a condensed account of the factors which complicate the business of speaking and listening — readers will easily add for themselves their own accounts of the personal and emotional features which make for vulnerability or call for sensitivity .
10 I particularly welcome the comment which you yourself highlight which draws attention to the importance of mutual trust : ‘ Clients will increasingly look for an ongoing business relationship based on mutual trust when awarding contracts ’ .
11 The funds will also pay for more research into the Earth and marine sciences , and for the study of the upper atmosphere ( New Scientist , 18 November 1982 , p 406 ) .
12 Schools can now apply for licences to record any television programme , not just educational broadcasts .
13 Unlike their fellow Soviet citizens , Jews can now apply for passports and leave the Soviet Union with relative ease .
14 The principle of recurrent relationships can also serve for the association of grammatically different lexical units .
15 Harry always looked immaculate and unruffled , and he was one of those players upon whom the Manager , his team colleagues and supporters can always rely for a composed and controlled performance .
16 If au else fails , a sector which is being undermined by imports may successfully apply for exemption from restrictions on the formation of a cartel to enable the decline of the sector to proceed in an orderly manner .
17 The designation means that other marine areas may now qualify for similar protection .
18 It claims that with such a tax incentive biofuels could eventually account for 5 per cent of overall fuel consumption in the Community .
19 However , it was agreed at the outset of this appeal by Mr. Leonard that these two latter matters would only arise for consideration in the event that his contentions upon his first and principal ground of appeal were upheld in this court ; and in the circumstances we heard argument from both sides upon that ground separately and distinct from the remainder of the matters raised in this appeal .
20 And modern salinometers will automatically compensate for the temperature and pressure and do this conversion so you can get a direct read out from an electrical instrument of the salinity .
21 If we argue , nevertheless , that prestige models can still account for the trend to simplification and uniformity that we have revealed , we have to explain in this case why simplification should carry prestige .
22 Anglers and shooters may now wish for a lower profile and conflict with canoeists and ramblers respectively will bring publicity they could do without .
23 The report , published this week by Barnardo 's and Youthaid on behalf of the Coalition on Young People and Social Security , says young people who can not find jobs or Youth Training places should automatically qualify for income support .
24 Promotions Policy The Association identified that there should be a transparent policy within NIB by which individuals could actively apply for promotional positions .
25 Workers could now press for improvements .
26 Transformational generative grammars would also account for the structure of example ( 2 ) in terms of a movement transformation called ‘ topicalisation ’ .
27 A PPL(H) with the readies will usually plump for a Squirrel .
28 TWO Ipswich schoolboys will tonight play for England under-15 Schools against Northern Ireland in Belfast .
29 Universities can now apply for funds to found postgraduate departments as well as to create academic research institutes linking universities with the industrial and business world .
30 Now , if most of the erm , factors of production used on the farm are fixed factors , farmers may well continue for years and years erm , because although they 're not cove covering total costs , or , or total average costs , they are covering average variable costs , alright .
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