Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] seen [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Illustrations are seen to be a motivating factor for poor readers , but they are otherwise considered to be a distraction and ‘ do not themselves make the reading level of the prose any lower ’ ( ibid .
2 When a government is weak and under pressure and when policies are seen to be failing , little authority may attach to a Prime Minister and the advantages of office are rapidly turned to personal disadvantage .
3 Nevertheless , increased delegation will depend on government carving out more areas of activity for which authorities are seen to be responsible , and central intervention is improper .
4 Opinions are seen to be less stable than values and relate to less important or transient issues .
5 With this policy rewards are seen to be under your control — not his or hers to manipulate .
6 Organizations are seen to be not unlike armies engaged in battle with the armies of other enterprises .
7 But certain images are seen to be universal , such as that of the holy mother and child .
8 These linear relationships are plotted in Fig. 1 where both the consumption and saving relationships are seen to be straight lines .
9 If the centre parties were seen to be self-interested in blocking the formation of a government through their insistence on a deal to introduce electoral reform then this could reflect badly on them in the election so cutting back their seats — and the prospect for proportional representation .
10 Some historians argue that modern ecology only became possible in the post-Darwinian age in which all natural relationships were seen to be fragile .
11 Second , it was written by a working party headed by John McFarlane , which meant that the non-practitioners were seen to be playing a prominent role in the APB 's activities and encouraging widespread debate .
12 The evolutionary and thermoregulatory relationship between birds and dinosaurs was seen to be strengthened in 1989 after an examination of the best preserved fossils of a pterosaur 's wings .
13 House sites are seen to be a scarce resource , by both Shetlanders and incomers , basically because the amount of sites given planning permission by the local authority is ever decreasing .
14 Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building blocks with respect to multiplication for the system Z.
15 Readerly judgements about the degrees of co-operative coherence pertaining to texts are seen to be determined by bundles of textual features as well as contextual factors .
16 The firm has been at pains to correct this recently , however , and points to a ban of all flags in the workplace ( Union Jacks were seen to be intimidatory ) and its monitoring of the composition of the workforce .
17 Microscopically the alveoli are seen to be blocked with worms , eggs , larvae , and cellular aggregations which may progress to granuloma formation ( Fig. 45 ) .
18 From this vantage point , the heads of both lochs are seen to be terminated by a group of mountains that seem to bar further progress eastwards .
19 Thus , unionised groups of workers are seen to be leap-frogging one over the other in the struggle to keep real wages rising .
20 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
21 Whilst most activities taking place during the scheming ( or " drawing board " ) phases are seen to be based around discrete geometric interpretations , their function may allow them to take on many differing forms .
22 When the sheet is examined in the electron microscope filaments are seen to be localized at the upper surface .
23 Within the other major departments , reflecting the other phases of design , their responsibilities are seen to be in responding to direct requests for schemes or analysis .
24 Where libraries were seen to be furthering school purposes there was a strong case for supporting them adequately , in both financial and wider terms .
25 Thus the extent of right brainedness among left handers is seen to be a function of the position of the criterion used to classify sinistrality .
26 With a revised scale for its deficiency payments , in effect a reduction of 50% grant-aid to WEA classes in the county , the LEA with only marginally increased costs was seen to be acceding to public demand for continuity and simultaneously responding to the recommendation of the Carnegie Trustees .
27 Now at balance and , so that Equating real and imaginary parts , the double balance conditions are seen to be and
28 The two structures are seen to be essentially distinct from each other .
29 In some policies the two problems are seen to be combined where the systems of farming collectively called shifting cultivation have reached a point where their carrying capacity has been exceeded , and fallow periods have become so short that degradation and erosion have set in ( Allan 1967 ) .
30 A full understanding of poetry requires that both principles are seen to be at work , for to analyze the laws of poetry without taking account of those of ordinary language would be to overlook the specifically verbal nature of poetry and to transform it from the domain of language to that of music .
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