Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [det] of [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The following description , theories and opinions are those of Mr Fosten .
2 There are various possibilities ; the most popular methods are those of Givens and Householder ( 6 ) .
3 In fact the words are those of Eric Ashby : while others were digesting his Committee 's carefully-worded Report , he gave vent to his personal opinions in the Will Harvey Memorial Lecture , delivered at Fircroft College , Birmingham on 24 March 1955 under the title The Pathology of Adult Education .
4 In 1945 it was clear that ‘ there was little difference between Labour colonial policy and that of the Tories ’ : the words are those of Nkrumah , but this opinion was shared even by moderate British Socialists , including the Fabian Colonial Bureau and Dr Rita Hinden , its Secretary .
5 An early attempt at defining intonation units was that of Jones ( 1975 , Chapter 30 ) , where stretches of speech between pauses were called ‘ breath-groups ’ and marked with double vertical lines , and smaller stretches within these , called ‘ sense-groups ’ , bounded by places where ‘ pauses may be made ’ and consisting of ‘ a few words in close grammatical connexion ’ .
6 The most widely used content models are those of Maslow and Herzberg .
7 Then , if unc is the isolating row vector , we form unc Here unc is the first column of A except that the leading element unc is diminished by 1 ; thus the first column of unc is identical with that of A , while the ( n — 1 ) remaining columns are those of I. By Theorem IX of 1.22 unc Next we evaluate ( this step is not quite so simple ) unc so that unc Here unc is the second column of A but with the second element reduced by 1 ; unc and unc is the second element of unc Further steps follow this pattern and are obvious .
8 The most notorious of the show trials was that of László Rajk in 1949 .
9 Continuing appointments were those of Jan Curnow ( B.C. ) referees and laws ; Mike Dinning ( Ontario ) coaching and certification ; Rick Graham ( Nova Scotia ) youth and national championships ; Jo Reinbold , women 's rugby , and Alan Sharp ( B.C. ) treasurer and deputy president .
10 An early published method for the culture of mouse and human oocytes is that of Edwards ( 28 ) .
11 Perhaps one of the most important of these ideas is that of Jesus as Messiah .
12 The most notable of the new appointments was that of Hermann Yameogo , leader of the opposition Alliance for Democracy and Federation , as Minister of State .
13 But the acme of scientific voyages was that of HMS Challenger .
14 Other recent examples of comparative studies are those of Lowe — independent study modules and lecture tours , in 1981 .
15 Wood 's principles are those of Loudon more than three decades later : ‘ a palace is nothing more than a cottage IMPROVED ’ , he wrote .
16 ‘ The small engraved figures are those of Frey , the Nordic god of fertility embracing his beloved .
17 The other prints were those of Dr Armitage .
18 The best present-day example of the cunning gestures are those of Rudolf 's Four Friends , the conspirators in Mayerling .
19 These eruptions were those of Krakatoa in 1881 , Pelée and Soufridre in the West Indies and Santa Mana in Guatemala , all in 1902 ; Ksudach in Kamchatka in 1907 ; Novarupta in Alaska in 1912 ; and Bezymianni in Kamchatka in 1956 .
20 The main influences seen by Vauxcelles in the work of the younger painters were those of Gauguin , Derain and Matisse , to which in 1910 he adds the influence of Picasso .
21 The classic statement of its main features is that of Hoxie ( 1920 , p. 45 ) who characterised it as being
22 One of the earliest attempts to characterize depositional environments by means of bivariate scattergrams was that of Stewart ( 1958 ) who plotted median against skewness and standard deviation for sediments from rivers , wave dominant zones and quiet water environments , and defined envelopes within which his analyses occurred ( Fig. 3.9 ) : Also , using graphic techniques , Schlee , Uchupi & trumbull ( 1965 ) were unable to distinguish beach and dune sands from grain size data alone .
23 The only modern English case concerning instructions is that of Wormell v RHM Agriculture ( East ) Ltd [ 1987 ] 1 WLR 1091 ( rev [ 1986 ] 1 WLR 336 ) .
24 Other sales which were planned but would be delayed for various reasons were those of Coalcorp , the former state coal mining operation ; Landcorp , which administered government buildings and land ; and Electricorp , which operated the power stations and the national grid .
25 On this basis , the worst ‘ performances ’ relative to ‘ expected ’ values were those of Strathclyde , Merseyside and West Glamorgan : the best were those of more rural areas , Powys ( Chapter 11 ) , Cambridgeshire , and Dumfries and Galloway .
26 The guiding hand behind the work of collecting and saving these objects is that of Evelyn Friedlander , executive director of the Hidden Legacy Foundation , set up around four years ago .
27 The widest definition of the Crown in the cases is that of Lord Diplock in Town Investments Ltd. v. Department of Environment who said of the term that it is ‘ appropriate to embrace both collectively and individually all the Ministers of the Crown and parliamentary secretaries under whose direction the administrative work of government is carried on by civil servants in the various government departments ’ .
28 Among the shields are those of Bohemia , Moravia , Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia , the states that went to make up the lands of Bohemia .
29 Home visit : chances are many of Widgery 's elderly patients , once hospitalized , will be marked ‘ Not for Resuscitation ’
30 The 1984 reordering of the church provided the opportunity to examine the contents , and amongst the eight coffins was that of Charles Lethieullier , brother of the celebrated antiquarian , Smart Lethieullier , whose coffin also lay in the vault , though it had lost its outer wooden case and the inner lead shell had split along the joint where left flank and lid met .
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