Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fur seals and sea lions are restricted to the Bering Strait area and seldom enter icy waters .
2 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
3 Propositions , therefore , in which objects are referred to a class , because they possess the attributes constituting the class , are so far from asserting nothing but resemblance at all …
4 There will be a , a Conservative Party appointed agent who will act on behalf of all those candidates and simply fill in the election expenses The accounts are submitted to the returning officer .
5 In this case , the accounts are addressed to the shareholders and the balance sheet is a statement of shareholders ' financial position while the income statement is the change in shareholders ' financial position .
6 The ASEAN states are committed to a limited neutralisation of Kampuchea .
7 Fortunately for us all , those skills are possessed to a considerable degree by police officers of every rank .
8 In this first chapter , however , the illustrations are limited to the Judaeo-Christian tradition .
9 Gripper strips are nailed to the bottom of each riser and the back of each tread ( or you can get right-angled metal stair grippers which simply fit into the angle between each tread and riser ) .
10 Then there are the large international hotels whose operations are geared to the needs of overseas travellers .
11 Subordinate entities are connected to the root and further subordinates connected to them .
12 As the orders are made out to confirm the buyer 's telephone conversations with the media salespeople , copies are passed to the agency 's traffic controllers to ensure that the control system is able to get the required material to the media on time .
13 Five directly elected deputies are sent to the National Assembly in Paris and three indirectly elected members to the Senate .
14 These pop icons are elevated to the pantheon of public attention and encouraged to Live Fast , Die Even Faster — preferably within inking distance of the tabloid press and/or Albert Goldman .
15 This is to be used where there is a need to ensure all shareholders are agreed to the common nature of a sale and that they are prepared to meet our fees , ie acknowledges the CA 1985 s151 problem with the company paying other professional advisers ' fees .
16 In an elaborate and impressive ritual Aaron and his sons are instituted to the priesthood .
17 Sometimes projects are suggested to the governments of LDCs as part of an overall economic development programme , especially where such projects have the potential to generate export earnings in foreign currencies to service loans provided .
18 The number of representations to the Home Office is running at 700 to 800 a year , but only about five of those cases are referred to the Court of Appeal .
19 At present , the awards in successful cases are paid to the company — which makes , unsurprisingly , for few suits .
20 But what can still be debated is whether such phenomena are related to the neuropsychological damage often attributed to lead .
21 Children who come into care through the courts are committed to the care of the local authority either because they are themselves offenders , or because they are the victims of offences or because they are found in need of care .
22 As my usual walking activities are limited to a little fell walking in the Lakes or North Wales , with friends who usually do the navigating , the TMB was certainly ambitious .
23 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
24 Even if your painting activities are confined to a week 's holiday , preparing yourself by looking into a range of information can be invaluable .
25 Third , as the powers of the national park authorities are limited to the normal development control procedures , agriculture is excluded , although it contributes so much to the valued cultural landscapes of the parks .
26 Approximately half of the varices are localised to the distal colon and rectum , and 20% of patients have had previous surgical operations .
27 Henk Vlug of the Dutch Plant Protection Service has suggested that the beetles are attracted to the fields by the odour of manure and lay their eggs in the slits .
28 If Wheare 's definitions are applied to the United Kingdom , it may be said that there is an unwritten constitution in the sense that it is uncodified .
29 The polygon definitions are written to the file whose unit number is 11 .
30 The taste buds are confined to the tip , the sides and the back of the tongue only .
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