Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Amplex Capsules are refreshing in Original or Ice Mint Flavours .
2 According to our preferred model only two-thirds of the vacancies are acceptable to teenage men .
3 Legal raves are fun for young people .
4 New patients ' NHS notes are essential for general practitioners : they contain specific details of past treatment and confirm what the patients say about their current treatment .
5 Oscars are notorious for digestive troubles , and you can avoid future trouble by varying their diet .
6 The place is devoid of alcoholic recourse , even the bands ' riders are untroubled by hard liquor , shit , we 're all going to have to take crack instead !
7 MOST New Yorkers are cynical about current efforts to clean mobsters out of their city 's waste-disposal business — and with good reason .
8 All these four reasons are subject to varying degrees of criticism : Unskilled manual jobs may well be done just as well , if not better , by the less educated ; resistance to change in employment can be affected more by the alternative job opportunities that are available than by levels of education ; advanced industrialisation has so atomised and de-skilled the production process that for many workers further or higher education is not necessary in their jobs , etc. , etc .
9 Our model does predict that long-period comets with kinetic energies in the tens of kiloton range should catastrophically disrupt and deposit the bulk of their energy just above 60km altitude , so the fates of these objects are consistent with cometary airbursts .
10 It is by definition a complex object , and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements .
11 The important thing is that circles near heavy objects are different from normal .
12 Some argue that high returns are possible in declining industries and that this is inconsistent with the harvest/divest strategies indicated in the BCG and McKinsey-GE matrices .
13 Table lamps are ideal for soft lighting and look particularly good in a traditional-style room .
14 It would appear that states prefer to act legally where possible and it is not possible to claim that states are unaffected by legal prohibitions on war , but the regularity with which such a large proportion of states are prepared to use force illegally — despite their total commitment to law-abidingness within their territories and the apparent lack of any retributive consequences of such illegalities ( unless defeat in war is unhelpfully labelled as a punishment ) — raise doubts about the parallels between municipal and international law in terms of the parameters of the concept of law .
15 While such states are central to literary studies , it is difficult to describe them precisely or effectively ; and for this reason , although they are of great interest , they are also inevitably weak points in your argumentation .
16 The view that the attitudes of Arab states are irrelevant to future security arrangements unless they coincide with Western prejudice — has been reinforced by the destruction of the Arab League early last August .
17 Arithmetical skills are often considered to be ‘ basic skills ’ , and the implication is drawn that such skills are relevant to everyday life .
18 This type of work , movement works closely with memorization in many cases , these skills are essential for daily living , they need regular daily practice in a great variety of situations .
19 In addition , evaluation within a Piagetian framework has led Furth ( 1966 ) to claim that cognitive skills are similar in deaf children , given equivalent exposure to the task requirements .
20 ‘ The important thing is the skills are transferable to general management or maybe back into practice , because we still need good managers to manage provision . ’
21 The saxophones are capable of great agility .
22 The Company 's accounting policies are consistent with previous years .
23 Both policies are subject to certain exclusions .
24 Such operations are subject to strict conditions .
25 Departmental barriers and ivory tower attitudes are detrimental to good results .
26 Departmental barriers and ivory tower attitudes are detrimental to good results .
27 But whatever change there is in the higher echelons of the RUC 's bureaucracy ( and some policewomen say there is little ) , sexist attitudes are widespread amongst ordinary policemen , and , in the day-to-day police work of a station , policewomen 's routine duties continue to be structured by gender .
28 Interestingly this figure is consistent with that most often encountered in the literature in this area where usually between 70 per cent to 80 per cent of employers are favourable to young workers .
29 The first hypothesis is that employers are familiar with single stream research work , and in recruitment decisions , are acting conservatively .
30 Copies are available from International Affairs at the Institute , and the deadline for comments is 1 April .
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