Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adj] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Because tin lodes are apt to end at any time , miners have to be continually ready to open up new levels or drives , and to extend new ones in a series of crazy changes in direction .
2 According to this system , Structure Plans are supposed to spawn District Plans : the District Plans are supposed to look at problems set out in the Structure Plan in more depth , and they are supposed to show how general planning policies might be worked out in practice .
3 The ships had some 10 miles to go ; the MLs had used their extra fuel and filled the spare tanks with seawater as they stole into the estuary in two columns , headed by MGB 314 : These motorboats are difficult to handle at slow speed and Campbeltown was sluggish , but at speed she drew an extra foot aft and every inch counted as she came towards the mud .
4 Both products are due to ship at the beginning of June .
5 The essence of a country house park is that it is a large area of grazing , uninterrupted by hedges or fences , in which animals are free to roam at will .
6 Marchers were due to congregate at Market Square for an open-air meeting .
7 You may , you may have lec the lectures are supposed to finish at the end of this term , but if , you know , a lecturer has been ill or has n't managed to get through the stuff erm , you may have some lectures next term , but er
8 David Raffe ( 11 ) of Edinburgh University found that more than three-quarters of school leavers from sparsely populated areas were able to live at home .
9 R.A.F. golfers were able to play at Henley on generous terms and at some unknown date an annual match between the Club and Medmenham was started , with the Club and the R.A.F. arranging hospitality alternately .
10 There is something strange about a subject in which its research workers are willing to dabble at the application of the jargon of thermodynamics but unwilling to apply even the most rudimentary aspects of mechanics to these problems .
11 A group of five guests are due to arrive at 9.30 p.m .
12 As part of their broad-based agreements with the IBA and the MU , ILR stations are obliged to spend at least 3 per cent of their net advertising revenue on live musicians .
13 It is noteworthy that , whereas the demographic conditions of optimum childbearing can be largely , though not entirely , controlled , parents and individuals are unable to regulate at will the socio-economic and environmental circumstances that affect infant and child health and mortality and , by inference , optimum conditions of childbearing .
14 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
15 So , when the subject under debate is the country 's richest cultural jewel , feelings are likely to run at least as high as they did in Paris over the pyramid at the Louvre or in London over the National Gallery extension .
16 Here are some sentences in which two consonant sounds are identical to look at but sound slightly different because one is voiced ( the vocal cords vibrate ) and the other is unvoiced .
17 Although looseknit networks are difficult to handle at the operational level , at the level of theory they are likely to be important .
18 That is about as much as the East Europeans are likely to get at the moment .
19 Now your meal began at seven thirty and the readings were due to begin at nine , although Sir Thomas did not begin until a quarter past nine .
20 Lucy wanted to call after Charlie , to beg him to come back and to take her away ; this was all wrong , it was n't the way things were supposed to go at all .
21 Secondly , if England 's minders were fit to work at a half decent night club , how come their client was left rolling in the gutter early in the game ?
22 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
23 The ferry for the outer isles was due to leave at six on the following morning , so I checked into the waterfront hotel where I had booked , then spent the day exploring Oban , and went to bed early .
24 This causes a reaction even after they have been entangled for the rabbits are inclined to bite at the net if they are left within it for too long .
25 3,000 youngsters , approximately , will participate and audiences are likely to run at around 15,000 , most of whom will be young people .
26 But the not-in-my-backyard arguments are hard to resist at local level .
27 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
28 Females are ready to breed at about seven years old .
29 More orthodox scholars are inclined to scoff at such theories .
30 The problems that juries were liable to arrive at verdicts that were less than helpful and that witnesses and jurors were vulnerable to intimidation were met by the abolition of juries in the criminal courts and the introduction of unorthodox expedients to enable witnesses to remain anonymous .
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