Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [prep] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In so doing anxieties are at least identified if not solved .
2 No matter what the deficiencies were in its security arrangements at Frankfurt , the airline and its insurers were at least entitled to prepare their best defence against a charge of wilful misconduct .
3 He looked around for an implement to use and although his eyes were by now accustomed to the gloom he could see nothing suitable .
4 The nature of the parliamentary peerage had been fixed by 1450 ; certain peers were by then entitled to a summons .
5 There are edges or discontinuities everywhere , and gardens are like vastly extended woodland edge .
6 No one can dispute that Sinead 's behaviour of late — particularly tearing up the Pope 's picture — has been outrageous but many feel that her protest statements are at least based on strong personal beliefs .
7 Her wrists were by now fastened to the post , and she was helpless .
8 Other notable PJ successes were in hard fought campaigns for the governorships of the north-western provinces of Tucumán and Santa Fé , won , respectively , by a popular singer , Ramón " Palito " Ortega , and a former racing driver , Carlos Reutemann .
9 Nevertheless , a bibliography such as BNB is as comprehensive a listing as can be found , and is therefore used by many librarians as a base selection tool , to ensure that all new publications are at least considered for selection .
10 The educational " return " on the capital invested might be increased if all materials were at least identified and access to them coordinated .
11 The Arup scheme held centre stage , but the public , whose views were for once solicited , showed a very definite preference for the Simpson plan .
12 Most surviving examples are in well laid , massive stonework , while more rarely concrete with brick facings is used .
13 The implication drawn seemed to be that these two groups were irrevocably separated the practical men being for ever excluded from the highest mystical experiences .
14 I 'm dealing with two estates where no will has been made and the house was in the name of husband alone who died without a will and the net result is that on on law on intestacy neither of the those surviving widows is of right entitled to the house and in both cases there are children and as you can imagine there is a certain amount of anguish about it .
15 But on the face of it , Borg is preeminent within that small category of sportsmen — they are almost invariably men , because women are at least offered an alternative role by Nature — whose existence seems entirely bound up with their success .
16 The others were at least made to look presentable again .
17 His papers were at once sealed by order of the king ; and in the 1680s Colbert de Croissy built up a large working archive covering the years from 1660 onwards .
18 Erm the premises was by now secured so I left the premises .
19 For Latin America as a whole , Bronstein suggests that 30 per cent to 50 per cent of all maternal deaths are from improperly performed abortions ( Bronstein 1982 ) .
20 In the tea room their spirits were at once raised and depressed by the English-looking cakes , pots of jam and packets of tea in the showcases on the counter , but the dim interior , with its Kardomah-like decor , reassured and encouraged them .
21 The child of a globe-trotting executive mother is looked after by a female nanny and so the positive image of women in outward-looking powerful jobs is at once cancelled .
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