Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know what the reasons are because there has been nothing said to me , ’ he said .
2 When we talk of a ‘ mindless occupation ’ , for instance , I take it to describe a situation in which activity is possible without having to think and feel about the meaning of the relatedness between the person and whatever the objects are that he manipulates .
3 One might , for instance , use the maxim to infer that because Eeyore 's sigh is a non-linguistic action , it 's a better sign that he 's out of thistles than Rabbit 's words are that he has some honey .
4 The rationale for trying to obtain verbatim records of children 's speech in naturalistic settings is that it provides the best indication of what language a child actually uses in ordinary , everyday settings .
5 However , one of this industry 's main characteristics is that it attracts the maverick .
6 But the radical difference between this and previous dieting methods is that it makes the food you consume more filling and also renders some of the calories it supplies non-fattening , as you will begin to learn in the next chapter .
7 One of the work 's main strengths is that it covers all social positions .
8 My only reservation with his classification of roles is that it reflects a Western preoccupation with task behaviours .
9 But Sir David said yesterday : ‘ We 've always had doubts about this policy , and the thing that now confirms our doubts is that it has n't worked . ’
10 The major attraction of a fully-fledged GIS is that it gives access to large volumes of cartographic and attribute data which can be manipulated according to the needs of the user and the flexibility of the system software .
11 Like Mr Kinnock , he has travelled from Land 's End to John O'Groats since 1983 in terms of the policies he believes in , but the impression that abides after his speeches is that he stays loyal to ancient socialism in a way that his more revisionist colleagues have abandoned .
12 I think that we should have access to the schools for everyone who is interested in education , and I think that includes teachers , so that is why I was very grateful to receive your invitation today , and I think the series is good , but I think that why we want an open society within our schools is because everyone has got a tremendous interest in education until people begin to surround it with jargon or to build walls and barriers which create a closed society .
13 Perhaps the best that can be said of Mr Karimov 's treatment of dissidents is that it has been consistent .
14 ‘ One of the attractions was that he does n't jump out of cars shouting freeze .
15 Well the theoretical advantages are that it makes it er a , a lot more er predictable for businesses to trade with Europe .
16 The reason for the bird 's big feet is that it needs a large shovel with which to pile up the mound of compost , earth and leaf litter in which the fowl buries and incubates its single very large egg .
17 A feature of most high density areas is that there has been a long-term decline in population and density since before the Second World War ( Craig 1986 ) .
18 One key reason why leasing remains popular with companies is that it enables them to expand through investment without damaging cash flow .
19 Moscovitch therefore suggested that the reason why the right hemisphere shows so little language ability under normal circumstances is that it suffers from inhibitory control by the left hemisphere .
20 But for some villagers who the remember the Lambourn as it used to be , all that matters is that it flows once again .
21 He regards PR as a crucial issue and when told that one of its main criticisms is that it produces indecisive government , he came out with that wonderfully ironic comment — ‘ like the weak old government in Switzerland and in Germany and nearly the whole of Europe ’ .
22 A problem with diagnosing lipid disorders is that everyone has been obsessed with examining fasting specimens , a requirement which presents two obstacles for diabetics .
23 We should shortly know who the new owners of Showerings are and what plans they have for the company .
24 The problem with trying to reduce particulates is that it has a trade-off in higher nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) produced , which are frowned upon in environmental legislation in the U.S. and EC .
25 One of the dangers then in making a link between Spenser and certain current perspectives is that it suggests that Spenser 's view of England and Ireland is a founding discourse which iterates a cultural conflict intrinsic to English experience .
26 One of the problems arising from reliance on parental contributions is that it produces wide disparities between the resources available to schools with different catchment areas .
27 The advantage of this formal approach to organisations is that it shows how organisational objectives can be reached by :
28 A justification for talk of abstract ideas is that it provides an explanation of how our thought and knowledge can be general ; ‘ how we can know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles , except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle . ’
29 One of the major differences of the Department of National Savings relative to other financial intermediaries is that it does not hold an asset portfolio to back up liabilities held , and therefore is not constrained by the need to adhere to liquidity , solvency or capital adequacy regulations ( given that funds are backed by the Treasury and are therefore essentially default-free ) .
30 One of the saddest effects of the radical trade unionism of recent years is that it has divided teacher from teacher , head teacher from staff , teachers from ancillary workers , schools from parents .
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