Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
2 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
3 The Germans are a generation ahead of us with their apprenticeship and their meister or master system ; we 've got to try and catch up .
4 Fan clubs are a situation where a band ca n't win .
5 Aromatic herbs are the ones most used in cooking ; no two are alike and some are so difficult to describe that even to say they are clove-like gives the wrong idea .
6 Unless you have to use PostScript for typographic reasons , you 'll find that TrueType fonts are every bit as good as PostScript ones and print much faster than PostScript , especially to a LaserJet .
7 Group activity and interest groups are the focus rather than the institution as an entity .
8 However , it would be wrong to think that foxes are a nuisance everywhere .
9 The down hairs are the ones closest to the skin and it is their primary task to keep the animal warm and to conserve its precious body heat .
10 Computers are a bit faster at this kind of thing than monkeys , but the difference really is n't significant .
11 Insurance companies and pension funds are the NBFIs mainly responsible for transferring funds between sectors .
12 The echinoderms are a phylum closely allied to the Chordates — including the vertebrates , and both phyla probably have a common ancestor in the Precambrian .
13 Influences are a matter both of level , with top-down theories at odds with bottom-up theories , and of approach , with scientific explanation at odds with interpretative understanding .
14 The Guinness book of theatre quotes , which costs £7.99 , is compiled by Michele Brown who readily agrees that actors and authors are every bit as cruel about actors as critics , viz Richard Burton talking about his wife Liz Taylor : ‘ She has a double chin , her legs are too short and she has a pot belly . ’
15 I kept on saying these pictures are a bit too bright .
16 Today , those few , frantic months are a world away .
17 Consignments that are shipped according to the rule books are the exception rather than the rule .
18 There is a potentially confusing distinction between " charges per hour " and " charges per session " — most of the sessions being an hour long .
19 The threats against the Jews were no doubt correctly ‘ read ’ in government and Party circles as an indication that a war would somehow bring about a final show-down with the Jews .
20 By necessity and by choice the Jews were a race apart , the only group entirely segregated from the rest of the community .
21 It was a short-term policy , and the canny Scots were no mugs where finance was concerned .
22 But such songs were no novelties even at court entertainments in Florence and we have the melody and bass of a song composed by Piero Strozzi and sung by Giulio Caccini ( 1550–1610 ) in a masque for the wedding of Francesco I two years before the publication of Galilei 's Dialogo , in which Strozzi was supposed to be one of the interlocutors .
23 You wish his books were a bit more cheerful , a bit more … how would you put it , life-enhancing ?
24 He was bearing the cold and damp better than he had in the previous year , but these winter months were a time when proper life had to give way to the struggle merely to exist .
25 But just because her themes are sometimes ordinarily domestic , do n't take her as bland , what distinguishes her songs is the unease so often lurking away in their corners .
26 If it is supposed that the last acknowledgement to pass between the parties is a counter-offer then at this stage no contract has been created .
27 Traditionally the seven awards have always been deemed to have been of equal value , but the interesting possibilities suggested by all of these short listed designs is the building in of individuality to awards which will closely resemble each other without being formally identical .
28 In Australia , Canada , and the Americas , killing native peoples was the method usually favoured by settlers .
29 Well I 've got a red I got a red book out of Smiths and I had , one of my clients was a printer so I got him to put it in in the gold
30 Only in Prussia and the eastern border districts was the emancipation not revoked for the simple reason that the Junkers needed the Jews to operate between the Prussian nobles and the German peasants , and as go-betweens for the Prussian Poles .
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