Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 If we say , you see , that the function of the dream is to safeguard sleep , and to fulfil wishes , then it 's clear that in the real world not all wishes are fulfillable and it may well be that , that the latent thoughts , in some cases , is so alarming and so disturbing , that they can not be sufficiently disguised and will lead to a state of waking , and that waking proves of course that the dream has failed in its function of safeguarding sleep .
2 Interpersonal skills are crucial since it is largely through the medium of interpersonal communication that the assessment process is conducted .
3 The trouble is local authorities are autonomous when it comes to applying trading standards but Haverfordwest seems out of step with other councils on the issue .
4 Ideally mobile units of 100 or 200 bird houses are preferable if it is possible to either move regularly , or at the end of a laying period on to new pasture .
5 ‘ Not only is it important to make sure that houses are secure but it is equally important to secure outhouses and garages . ’
6 As explained earlier when describing the model of living and the model for nursing , the 12 ALs are interrelated ; so too the body systems as categorised by the human biologists are interrelated and it is only for the purposes of description and discussion that they are dealt with separately .
7 The aphids are wingless so it is safe to take the shoot out of the cage and watch the aphids .
8 This can be done in a variety of ways , but researchers are unanimous that it is essential to write up the events of a day before going to bed at night , or , at the very latest , the following morning .
9 Mr George Bochanski , a spokesman for Rohm & Haas , the manufacturer , said : ‘ We continue to believe these products are safe and it is not our job to pre-empt the regulatory bodies in the UK . ’
10 If ethical considerations are such that it is appropriate to include this in the engagement letter , the following wording may be appropriate :
11 In the approach used in this text , the E-R model is used in conceptual modelling because it is much more semantically rich than the relational model , but this is mapped to a relational model because most commercial databases are relational and it is more convenient for logical mapping .
12 There is , in fact , an organisation in France that runs world championships for the speedsail , where tactics are unimportant and it is just a matter of courage as speeds of up to 50mph .
13 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
14 ( Strictly speaking these orbits are heteroclinic but it makes sense , because of the symmetry , to identify C " + with C and to think of this situation as a symmetric version of a homoclinic orbit to a single stationary point . )
15 Books are essential and it is a sad day when financial troubles force us to this action , ’ he said .
16 Four other colourways are available and it comes in five widths , about £23.50 per sq m Accessories : Yellow photograph album , £12.50 ; Jennifer Tuckey stationery , £8.95 and £9.50 Best for : Any room , but especially suitable for halls and stairs
17 Former President Ahmed Ben Bella , leader of the Movement for Democracy in Algeria ( MDA ) , said on July 14 that the state of siege should be lifted ; he also said that the FIS had just demands , but its methods were wrong and it should join in supporting the recently appointed transitional government [ see p. 38312 ] .
18 His dark eyes were serious but it was his mouth that made Constance hopeful .
19 His eyes were open but it was obvious he did n't know where he was .
20 The physical demands were enormous and it says much for the exceptional fitness of both crews that neither wilted .
21 Its ears were erect and it was evidently giving them the full attention of sight , smell and hearing .
22 Radio and TV waves are public goods in that the reception of signals is non-rivalrous and it is difficult to exclude consumers once they have reception equipment .
23 Welsh Wales , in Wales and in the Lake District they found that the er level of nuclear activity on the surface of , of the field as it were and therefore reached the animals is higher than it has been , how would they manage to do that ?
24 For the leaders of the movement a dilution of the radical goals is attractive because it will reduce the stigma attached to the movement and reduce the tension between it and the wider society of which it is a part .
25 A plant you do n't water , it droops but it does not die/your collection of erotic images is considerable but it 's always happening to someone else .
26 Clearly , however , where the overall number of speakers is small as it is in many sociolinguistic surveys , the number of higher-status speakers turning up in a random selection procedure which samples from the entire urban area will be correspondingly small .
27 The market for houses and cars is better than it was , and there is an improved turnover in the shops .
28 This series of squares is disquieting as it heads for the horizon unless it allows for the curvature of the Earth .
29 At present his status in the three books is relevant because it serves to establish Buchan 's particularly energetic version of Ruritanian adventure and the irony and humour with which he tempers the romantic colour of his fiction .
30 The shielding with the collimator supplied by the manufacturers was insufficient as it caused a high background level , and hence a new lead collimator was designed to provide a more directional response .
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