Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 But even as her low , husky voice rang out with the first notes of the song , her eyes were seeking out the stranger , unable to resist his strangely magnetic pull .
2 And last night the Prime Minister 's despairing supporters were trotting out the ‘ back him or sack him ’ line that Mrs Thatcher used to fall back on when she was in trouble .
3 On the contrary , one of its chief characteristics is to sieve out the workers into grades according to the degree in which they possess the required kinds of ability and alertness .
4 The aim of the guidelines is to set out a clear role for each conference within a coherent , sensible framework .
5 Eleven laboratories in eight countries are carrying out the first stage , synthesising new compounds for tests .
6 Desert Orchid was beaten , but ahead of him two brave steeplechasers were fighting out a stirring finish , and fifty yards from the line the no-hoper , the candidate for last place rather than first , stuck his plain-looking chestnut head in front and kept it there .
7 Harry Agg , the old man who had helped on the farm for very many years , was still employed there , but he did little more than potter , his main duties being to clean out the stables and cowshed .
8 ( More generally , the aim of most hypertext models is to separate out the components of hypertext into distinct layers , rather than having mechanisms that intermix content , structure and appearance . )
9 6.3 Articles of Association The purpose of the Articles is to set out the manner in which the Company is to be governed and to regulate the relationship between the directors and the different classes of shareholder .
10 Teams from Teesside , Durham and Newcastle universities are carrying out the research .
11 I think that generally organisations are squeezing out a lot of fat at that level simply because they 're finding more efficient ways to organise themselves to do the work .
12 Governments are picking out the bits of the plan they do not like .
13 Moreover I can reveal that the findings of the Committee were certainly not those indicated in this letter ; we found that Derry Corporation had for many years been carrying out a policy of anti-Rome Catholic discrimination in employment and rigid segregation in housing .
14 A Home Office spokesman said yesterday : ‘ Prison staff at Blundeston and Home Office officials are carrying out a full investigation into the matter .
15 Jaguar talks : Jaguar and General Motors were thrashing out a deal to protect the luxury car maker from rival US motor giant Ford .
16 they were , they were doing a play or something and it , it mentioned about er , erm , what did it mention ? , it was a bit rude any way this play and it oh it was on about an erection or something and Geoffrey said his trousers his new trousers were sticking out a bit peculiar
17 Villagers who have used the flats for centuries claimed the rival pickers were wiping out the beds .
18 Villagers who have used the flats for centuries claimed the rival pickers were wiping out the beds .
19 Leaving out white and black American Christians is leaving out a lot .
20 Bishop Auckland CID officers are carrying out the investigation .
21 The bronze Moors were hammering out the hours on the clock in the Piazza San Marco .
22 There are considerable sums of money available from the Commission for research and development , but one of the problems is finding out the relevant information at the right time .
23 Sheets are usually 300mm ( 12in ) square , and are often sold in packs of five or 10 ; the best way of estimating quantities is to work out the area to be covered , and to divide that by the coverage figure given on the pack , which will tell you how many packs to buy .
24 The youngest of Taureg 's officers was holding out the flag for all to see , proudly proclaiming the success of their patrol and the reason for this , their special homecoming .
25 It must be the way the trees are shading out the sun .
26 PUNK ROCK has already become horribly stymied , yet bands like Magazine and The Banshees are checking out the fresher , stranger places to take the music .
27 BRITISH eye surgeons are to carry out a pioneering implant operation which could mean short-sighted people throwing away their glasses .
28 BRITISH eye surgeons are to carry out a pioneering implant operation which could mean short-sighted people throwing away their glasses .
29 Difference between executors and administrators I 've mentioned it briefly before , executors are carrying out the will , administrators are dealing with an estate where there is no will .
30 Bomber Command itself was situated at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and from there the orders were sent out every day to each Group Headquarters , indicating which target had been selected for that night 's operation , and the Groups then sent on the information to the Commanding Officers at each of the air fields , or ‘ out-stations ’ .
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