Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] were [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 National campaigns , like the support for Edward VIII during the abdication crisis of 1936 , and the portrayal of the BUF as a peace movement in the later 1930s , either fell on deaf ears or were only partially successful in changing the focus of fascist politics from the parish pump and the anti-immigrant concerns of the East End of London to wider issues .
2 I often used to go fell walking but can not ever remember seeing the deep ruts caused by walkers that were all around , in some cases up to 12–15in deep .
3 When direct dealing costs , brokerage and VAT were included they tended to help filter out the trades that were only marginally profitable and hence raised the overall profitability .
4 Maggie was shown into a very expensive flat that overlooked the river and she had one of her rare glimpses of the owner as he stood with his back to a roaring fire and regarded her through eyes that were just as sharp as they had ever been in his youth .
5 There never seemed the opportunity , and I was frightened to bring into the open subjects that were as potentially explosive as these .
6 He sang an endless string of tuneful but meaningless words that were only very loosely attached to the long , narrative poem that went on inside his head .
7 Our figures for short ( Ε ) in figures 3.5 and 3.6 show a pattern of variation between low and mid realizations with the mid realizations beginning to occur in environments that were formerly categorically low , and with females leading in this change .
8 We have demonstrated in various publications ( for example , J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1978 ) that in the inner city there is a change in progress moving from front values of /a/ towards back values , beginning to affect even those environments that were formerly always front ( for example pre-voiceless stop environments , as in map , that ) .
9 ‘ They 're all on these little labels that were primarily there for the tourists , like Waikiki and Hula records .
10 There was an immature moustache above lips that were pretty enough to belong to a girl .
11 The planning department found that business units considered the time horizon of the issues to be too long to be of relevance and these issues were therefore considered to be ‘ back of the mind ’ flagging signals and were therefore not acted on .
12 And when nothing further was wanting the limbs began to move and unite themselves together , and both the maidens opened their eyes and were once more alive .
13 We have marvelled over the years at the couples who , with very humble means , managed modest but lovely homes and were never financially embarrassed .
14 Many had , during marriage , distinct conjugal roles and were therefore quite unaccustomed to undertaking partners ' household tasks .
15 As Allen Saddler 's notice so rightly says , many of the Labour MPs who swept to power in 1945 had come through J.P.M. 's schools and were thus well armed to fight for the legislation which so transformed society after the second world war .
16 The exhibitionist streak that had been confined to fancy-dress parties at Virgin 's weekends away now found full public licence ; Richard Branson embarked on a sort of alternative career in fancy dress that would see him , over the years , photographed in airline captain 's uniform , as Peter Pan , Spider Man , City Gent and , on one occasion and for reasons that were never entirely clear , in the bath , wearing only bubbles and a cunningly placed newspaper .
17 He was called Titch because he was a midget with a very large head and very short legs , and Uncle for reasons that were never satisfactorily explained to William , but then , not a lot ever was .
18 Now the interior was all of artificially roughened timber , raw beams and panelling with a sawdust-covered floor , and the lights were piss-coloured imitation gas lamps that were almost too dim to see by .
19 Most of all , although they were meant to be secret , these were secrets that were fairly indifferently kept ; if , indeed , they were kept at all .
20 A bowl , she decided , exploring with fingers that were almost too frozen to feel anything , with something inside it that felt like a tiny lump of candlewax — and a wick .
21 Dramatic herself , she enjoyed drama in art ; and the music swept in over emotional defences that were already down .
22 The Tory coal rebels are demanding that at least 15 collieries remain open and gave warning that the Government could face defeat if it tried to push through proposals that were significantly out of line with the report of the Commons industry select committee earlier this year .
23 The novelist Walter Gallichan spoke of The Blight of Respectability in the 1890s , and it was indeed their most central values that were most flagrantly challenged .
24 As far as the working classes were concerned all that was needed was managers who could determine the right mix of films and the right range of prices to suit the specific down-town drop-in cinemas and even more the neighbourhood and small-town cinemas that were now increasingly thought of as catering for ‘ industrial ’ or working-men audiences .
25 Sometimes the workmanship in these archaic stone artefacts was very fine , and it is possible that they were used as insignia of rank , in much the same way as stone maces in the Wessex Culture in southern England ; if so , it is curious that the same obsolete tool became associated with rank in two cultures that were geographically so widely separated .
26 But what is possible in theory , does not always happen in practice , and there are many Third World countries that were recently more or less self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs , that are now increasingly dependent on imports .
27 All the vacuum tubes that I know of that are made today — every single one of them — come from countries that were behind either the Iron or Bamboo curtain — Russia , China , Yugoslavia to be specific .
28 All the vacuum tubes that I know of that are made today — every single one of them — come from countries that were behind either the Iron or Bamboo curtain — Russia , China , Yugoslavia to be specific .
29 There was , however , tremendous scope for decoration of the seat itself and the wooden frame , plus the cushions that were almost invariably attached .
30 By the nineteenth century a new hierarchy of provincial towns had been established , led by manufacturing settlements that were often not even dignified by the title of borough , let alone that of a city .
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