Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Wilberforce examined the interests which an insurance-broking business might have in preventing an employee canvassing its clients once he had left .
2 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
3 Mr Delors abandoned a semi-social engagement in Watford to return to Brussels after a brief visit to Oxford , with accusations ringing in his ears that he had sabotaged the talks .
4 Will he give an assurance that he will sustain the generous funding of Northern Arts that he has managed in the past few years ?
5 On Nov. 21 President Najibullah confirmed during a press conference at the UN 's Geneva offices that he had held talks with " prominent personalities of the opposition side " on a " political solution " to end 12 years of civil war .
6 They were really the first nudes that he had done since Jane Birkin posed topless in the Sixties .
7 I can … ’ but the words were stopped in him and he seemed to suffocate and gasp with the sense of a power beyond the Cages that he had sensed briefly before .
8 It was to cut his ties that he had begun , from the earliest days , to sign his work ‘ Vincent ’ , following the practice of his adored Rembrandt , and making the excuse then that foreigners would have difficulty pronouncing his surname .
9 ( And as Lucy was shuffling tensely and waiting for someone to respond , Joe Lucas was in his hotel room and trying to prise the cap off a fresh bottle of painkillers that he 'd picked up , along with some disposable razors and a few other essentials , from a late-opening pharmacy on Piccadilly .
10 Will he confirm categorically that TECs will have equal access to the funds that he has made available under the White Paper , excellent as it is ?
11 It was to get away from such intrusions that he had come to Larksoken .
12 A really great scholar , he had a unique opportunity to develop his abilities , because Biscop had brought back to Jarrow some 200 to 300 antique books that he had managed to acquire in southern Italy .
13 All the books that he 'd bought to fill the stripped pine shelves , and never read .
14 The Association 's library would like to thank Melvyn Green OBE , FHCIMA for the books that he has donated .
15 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
16 On reporting to the tsar in 1849 , the Minister received the title of Count for providing Nicholas with more information about a group of dissidents than he had had since the exposure of the Decembrists .
17 She went to sit on the sofa , and there she dreamed of Johnny , tenderly and with affection ; she thought of the words that he had said , and they made a warm spot , infinitely sweet , deep inside her where it could not be touched ; for just an hour or two , she began to believe that she truly loved him .
18 When some part of his mind prompted the words that he had heard so often , boyish fancy , his inside actually jerked in protest .
19 Last time I met him , he said that words attributed to him in the House had not been words that he had uttered .
20 Then the world seemed to be going round and he was falling down and someone was running from a distance , one of the Keepers , in a grey uniform and with a fat pale face that filled him with such fear that he began to cry out in Hebrew words that he had forgotten he knew .
21 Mozart worked with the commonplace musical fabric of his time , the prescribed structures , instrumental combinations , harmonic progressions and melodic formulae that he had absorbed as a child , and from which a Salieri and hundreds like him fashioned polite , two-dimensional drawing-room music suitable for the delectation or titillation of many a jaded aristocratic ear .
22 Dad always said that he wanted me to seize all the opportunities that he had missed .
23 ‘ Did , until your father died , ’ said Charlie , regretting the words immediately he had spoken them .
24 I not only listened to the hon. Gentleman 's arguments tonight , but I have read the other speeches that he has made throughout the passage of the Bill .
25 I congratulate my right hon. Friend on the steps that he has taken to do just that .
26 And shortly after the daylight found him , he was pensively studying a box of a dozen contraceptives that he 'd turned out of her soapcase .
27 They had been told the main point — that Tildesley would make a profit for his ‘ warehousing ’ operation ( only fair , Le Roux claimed , since Tildesley took risks in buying the company , including the very real risk that Norton might never have raised the funds and he 'd stuck with FUS ) .
28 Charles was determined to string Edward III along with fine words until he had recovered the hostages from England and settled accounts with the Duke of Brittany and with Charles of Navarre .
29 A Ugandan pathologist studying African cancer trends was sceptical of Zimbabwe 's high lung cancer figures compared with other African nations until he had checked our records for himself .
30 Mr Harper and his lay ministers in St Paul 's Church Society give church services in 24 Darlington old people 's homes and he has asked the Prime Minister to intervene over the closure plan .
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