Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] you have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Animals that you have captured specially for testing should be set free immediately afterwards in the place from which they were taken .
2 A good place to begin is with the goals that you had reached about two weeks before you went on holiday .
3 Right N is the number of the sample and K is the number of parameters that you 've estimated in your model .
4 Erm , thinking about the books that you 've read , er , for pleasure , over the last twelve months would you say they 've been all , or mostly fiction ?
5 Now that we have a permanent place to meet we would like to start up a library as some folks can not afford to buy reading material so if you have any books that you have finished with or which are duplicates and would like to make room for new editions we will be happy to give them a good home where they will be used and appreciated .
6 In grateful thanks that you had come .
7 There are connections passenger transport is one way of calming a number of cars that you 've got erm on on our roads .
8 But without your support and your demonstrations and support from whites in other countries with the rugby demonstrations , the cricket , with all aspects that you 've done , you 've also contributed to making it easier for us to be the kind of people we would like to be and I hope in that way we therefore do share as a family and then try and create one world .
9 Well , we are going to pick up , later in the series , erm at least two aspects that you 've mentioned .
10 Rephrase the main point(s) in your own words once you have found it .
11 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
12 Do n't send us your solutions until you have answered all three parts of the competition .
13 Bill takes it through Sunday , he come back the they 're special door speakers and you 've got to have the front door because there 's a bar at back so these are special speakers that
14 You 've got to have a sharp brain to work out the tactics and you 've got to have a very good technique , so it 's a demanding sport .
15 It would be no good putting together menu and arranging to do two thousand covers if you 've got spacing for twenty persons , would it ?
16 You should not get blisters if you have taken the trouble to fit your boots as we have suggested .
17 There is , as yet , no system in operation which allows your competence to be assessed to a national standard , and it will be left to the discretion of your service manager , and course tutors if you have undertaken a back to nursing course , to decide whether you are ready to return , or what additional guidance or preparation you may need to bring you up to the required standard .
18 when you think about it , it 's wrong you 're paying tax on your wages at source and then you go to the shops and you 've got to pay tax on your goods again
19 ‘ I looked everywhere and could n't find anyone and we saw the trucks come here and I saw the lights on and I thought the humans were still here and I came in and I heard your voices and you 've got to come because it 's Dorcas ! ’
20 More often than not you get a refund cos of course you have personal allowances for a whole year but you 've not er not er lived a whole year as often as not and therefore there usually spaced over the twelve months and you 've paid a bit too much tax if you 've died in the course of the twelve months .
21 All you had to do here was to move back a few steps and you 've made it much more interesting in the foreground .
22 Your probationary period can be reduced to 6 months if you have demonstrated that you fully meet the requirements in terms of performance , conduct , attendance and timekeeping .
23 These sorts of courses are needed by anyone who keeps animals , and you ought not to be allowed to keep animals unless you have attended such a course .
24 You did n't grow big cars but you 've grown much bigger flowers than we did . ’
25 There is no reason why you should not have a weekly reward for remaining the same weight , at least for a few months after you have attained your ideal shape .
26 It is very important that you do n't become pregnant for at least three months after you have had the vaccination .
27 It is very important that you do n't become pregnant for at least three months after you have had the vaccination .
28 The patient 's memory can be retrained through simple exercises such as question-and-answer sessions after you have read him a short passage from a book or newspaper .
29 Well those are the ones that Matthew we should n't have bought you new trainers when you 'd got these .
30 ‘ Rave ’ is now a dirty word , ‘ Manchester ’ is best forgotten , and as for the Mondays , how daft must it feel to be a rebel role model for spotty teenagers when you 've got kids yourself ?
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