Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] was [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The cotton industry was relatively new compared with the older and more protected and restricted woollen trades and was therefore more open to innovation .
2 Colour touched her cheeks but she looked him straight in the eyes and was just about to reply when the kitchen door opened and Gerard 's solid footsteps sound along the hall .
3 Such great open-air markets can be seen at Northampton , Newark and Leicester , for example , and most notable of all was that at Nottingham , where the vast triangular market place covers five-and-a-half acres and was once even larger .
4 He slept in the stables and was no longer touchy about the others knowing , although he was not often found out .
5 Pre-war underwear was available from high class shops but was far too expensive for most women .
6 As a result of these two tendencies , the academy , historically , had a range of functions and was often internally diverse .
7 Peter attests many of Simon 's charters and was probably often in his company ; in 1259 he was named as an executor of Simon 's will .
8 The Hebrew text of Ben Sira , which accompanied the sectarians of Qumran and the defenders of Masada , was lost in the early Middle Ages and was only partially recovered in the Cairo Geniza at the end of the last century .
9 A decline occurred after 1939 , and the post-war population never exceeded six pairs and was often less .
10 However , I had spoken to Otto on the subject of contracts and was very much better informed since my stay at Les Glycines .
11 Unlike Grinley , Green did not own his own hearse and mourning coaches and was probably more at home performing in-parish funerals similar to that shown in a contemporary engraving by William Hogarth on a funeral ticket issued between 1730 and 1750 by Humphrey Drew , the King Street , Westminster , undertaker .
12 I do not like using the telephone at the best of times and was never very fond of small-talk , that tedious lubricant for rusty little minds .
13 Surrounded by Muscovites , strap-hanging on a fast train that slid to its halts and was away again .
14 Some Conservative support for the BUF was evident from its early days and was most obviously stated through Rothermere 's Daily Mail which , on 8 January 1934 , contained an article entitled ‘ Hurrrah for the Blackshirts ’ .
15 In consequence , it was submitted , the relevant action was taken not by the society , the report was not required by the society for its own purposes and was thus not in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance , and a report negligently prepared could not constitute maladministration or a breach of the society 's obligations under any contract .
16 Within the shortest space of time , they were walking into the lounge of an hotel that had seen better days but was still surprisingly well patronised ; by a variety of habitués , mostly male , and all , whether uniformed or civilian , contriving to give the place an air of distinction .
17 Dihydrocodeine ( rather than methadone ) was the non-injectable opioid most commonly reported in both years but was significantly more popular in 1990 than in 1988 .
18 John always remained very concerned about the designing of his own ballets but was never specifically credited with responsibility for their designs , preferring to collaborate with an artist to whom he could explain his ideas and from whom he expected further ideas to enhance the final outcome .
19 After what seemed like several hours but was probably only a few minutes , we heard an aircraft approaching , and heads popped up all over the hut .
20 He was a mysterious man who wandered about the house at all hours but was very rarely seen .
21 The rising , the most extensive popular movement between 1381 and the sixteenth century , was relatively limited in its aims and was certainly not directed at the overthrow of the social order .
22 Strong and brave — his 110 against Lillee and Thomson on an uneven Brisbane pitch in 1974–5 was an innings of real courage — he loved to drive off the front foot , could hit the ball vast distances and was very much a crowd-pleaser .
23 Deciding she was crazy , she made her way back to her room , collected her things and was just about to leave when a man carrying a young boy walked up to the doors .
24 After 20 minutes , Kendo , the community 's large and powerful dominant male , had isolated a small group of monkeys and was very quickly forcing them towards the north .
25 At Panmure Gordon , Charles Donald said it was within the letter of US regulations and was thus always likely to be approved .
26 Traditionally pioneers in agriculture , these were the families which at the beginning of the nineteenth century concluded that the making of good cheese need not be confined to the high alpine dairies as was then generally accepted , but could be practised in the rich pasturelands of the Mittelland .
27 John 's mother , Audrey , joined the Club in 1938 and remained a stalwart in the Ladies ' Section up to the time of her death in 1984 , and his father Tom served the Club in many ways and was very highly regarded .
28 My memory fails me about specific details but was there not a death here eight months ago ? ’
29 This union had to represent a wide range of occupations and was therefore less able to protect that particular worker 's specific set of interests .
30 Monk 's House was initially intended just for weekends and holidays and was never particularly comfortable or warm .
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