Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [am/are] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 In some respects they do have some characteristics that are similar to the French ones .
2 There are certain personality characteristics that are basic to people who make good planners .
3 Human beings as we know are sexually dimorphic and tha that figure seems to fit the er the , the pattern , but erm women have a lot of characteristics that are peculiar to them , like for example erm more youthful looks , women will retain more youthful looks longer than men do and it is normally regarded as important and a lot of women spend an awful lot of money in the modern society on trying to remain erm looking er looking youthful .
4 Chaffinches will only learn songs that are similar to the normal song of the species .
5 There are three other , far larger animals that are unique to the Oriental Region .
6 Perhaps this is not surprising in animals that are accustomed to moving in a particular direction — they need a front and a back .
7 Libraries must select the methods that are relevant to their particular objectives and restraints ’ .
8 Libraries must select the methods that are relevant to their particular objectives and restraints . ’
9 In contrast to endowment policies , which are invested in funds that are subject to corporation tax on realised and unrealised gains , investments in a personal equity plan grow free of tax .
10 None the less , the moral imperatives that are intrinsic to the student role will always reassert themselves .
11 Units that are open to the public should develop their own procedures for dealing with potentially violent incidents .
12 And different languages have words that are exclusive to them and not readily translatable : the Greek word hubris for instance , meaning god-challenging , excessive pride ( a sense of super-status — back to the Guinness defendants again ) , or the Welsh word hiraeth , meaning a poignant longing for the homeland .
13 That is , the rank assigned to the 260 target words that are common to each lattice is used as an indication of the performance .
14 Table 4.14 shows the ranks of the 260 target words that are common to each of the lattices .
15 We reject the compulsory route that is favoured by the Labour party , which will never understand that the way forward is to motivate and to encourage and to give people the incentives that they need to make the most of the opportunities that are available to them , not simply to rely on the dead hand of compulsion .
16 Now it 's especially for people who are black or Asian because a lot of the time they miss out on the opportunities that are available to a lot of other people because of things like language barriers and although you might think it 's unfair it 's not actually illegal .
17 These promoters give rise to unstable open complexes that are sensitive to a short heparin challenge , and are stabilized either by the addition of the first two initiating NTPs ( leading to the formation of an initiated complex ) , or by DNA supercoiling ( 8–10 ) .
18 Correspondingly , compulsive overeaters may not see themselves as being disproportionately fat — When asked to identify their body shape from a range between the two extremes , the sufferers from anorexia and compulsive overeaters will each tend to choose shapes that are close to the normal body patterns from the middle of the range .
19 At present , special tax rules apply to members ' special reserve funds which are maintained to meet future losses and are liable to tax relief at the higher rate .
20 Protestant opposition to integrated schooling is sometimes heard in the North , particularly from the fundamentalist camp , who not only fear catholic infiltration of state schools but are opposed to anything other than Bible protestantism in religious education .
21 The Master of Moots or other organiser should also be informed of the authorities to be cited , in order that he may arrange for such reports or case books as are available to be brought to the courtroom .
22 The legitimate questions for a judge in his role as interpreter of the enacted law are : ‘ How has Parliament , by the words that it has used in the statute to express its intentions , defined the category of acts that are entitled to the immunity ?
23 Difficulties arise due to the polysemous nature of English words and that documents may have been filed under keywords that are different to those used in the query .
24 These activities also provide an opportunity for developing effective working relationships with departments and for facilitating the means by which staff can develop skills that are specific to the needs of particular departments .
25 It also puts little stress on those problem-solving skills that are vital to the development of village life .
26 Before I comment on the Bill in any detail , I must declare a possible future interest with British Rail in activities that are unrelated to my parliamentary duties .
27 It may be that in attempting to stamp out over-risky practices the regulators can become over-zealous and adversely affect risk taking activities that are fundamental to the workings of the financial system .
28 Each language has what we might call general preferences for certain patterns of reference as well as specific preferences that are sensitive to text type .
29 This is to be expected , since the purpose of a domain-specific dictionary is to capture precisely those collocations that are specific to and therefore representative of that domain , in preference to any others with which the individual words may otherwise be associated .
30 As the current Gogarth guidebook heads towards halfway in its lifespan and a reasonable number of new routes are being climbed , I have rounded up a few corrections and other snippets that are applicable to the existing routes .
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