Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb mod] give [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the condition is a recurrent one such as migraine or period pains , it is perfectly possible to use a book like this to find remedies that will give relief each time the pain occurs but it will not prevent the pain recurring next time .
2 Where roads are crossed , raised crossings are provided , with ramps from the road up to the cycle-street 's level and markings to indicate clearly that it is crossing cars that must give way .
3 We want to see more dual use of school playing fields and halls and will give schools more freedom in their management .
4 Investment will be targeted particularly at areas of skill shortages and will give people who are now unskilled the chance to acquire basic skills .
5 The Schools Liaison Office organises visits to schools and can give information and advice about all aspects of the work of the faculty , as well as arrange interviews with appropriate departmental staff .
6 ( 3 ) If the defendant has delivered a defence but does not appear then if the plaintiff so requests and can give evidence of the facts and as to quantum , judgment may be given or alternatively directions ( Ord 17 , r 8 ) .
7 One possibility would be a statutory reformulation of Rylands v. Fletcher shorn of the qualifications and defences which so emasculate it now , perhaps on the lines of the Restatement , which imposes strict liability on one who carries on an ‘ abnormally dangerous activity , ’ but this would be open to varying judicial inclinations and would give rise to considerable uncertainty for a very long period of time .
8 Emphasis is on self-help , and the organisations that can give support or provide equipment are listed .
9 Thank you for sending me further information on your ideas that could give Blaenau Ffestiniog 's market hall a new lease of life appropriate to the Twenty-First Century .
10 ( i ) The main requirement of water for textiles is freedom from solid particles in suspension or from substances that could give rise to solids in processing .
11 Schumpeter 's main substantive target is what he regards as the nonsensical idea of classical democratic theory that the people can exercise a rational choice on individual questions and can give effect to this by choosing representatives .
12 Most local papers are sympathetic to heritage stories and will give space to them , particularly if there is an imminent threat .
13 the Society 's Conservation Advisory Service produces manuals and will give advice on the management of land with wildlife in mind .
14 The best thing about Christmas is buying well thought out gifts that will give pleasure and use for many years to come .
15 It is not hard to find suitable populations of bodies that could give rise to the observed range of crater sizes today — more on this in section 6.4 and in Chapter 8 .
16 One of the world 's hot spots that might give clues for the future .
17 The other symptoms that may give clues to the presence of gonococcal infection in the woman are mostly produced when complications , such as involvement of the fallopian tubes , have set in .
18 The danger of serious conflict occurring on the border was anticipated in a motion proposed by the United States and carried in the General Assembly in 1949 authorising UNCOK to observe developments on the border and to report back on clashes that could give rise to war .
19 The Society has available hundreds of recipes suitable for use by vegetarians and will give advice and information to individuals or groups and will provide training to caterers who wish to offer vegetarian menus in their restaurants .
20 The result of the partnership will be an Electronic Software Licensing NetWare Loadable Module , but in addition the companies say they are working on developer tools that will give software authors access to the services needed to build licence-enabled NetWare applications .
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