Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
2 Held against his heart , feeling the steady beat beneath her cheek , she closed her eyes and let it wash over her in soothing waves .
3 Occasionally it would extend one of its sensors and use it to draw shapes in the dirt .
4 So , whenever you have some spare cash to hand , pay it into Premier Savings and watch it grow .
5 We shrugged our shoulders and let it go .
6 Most of his contemporaries would have shrugged their shoulders and let it remain as part of the natural order of things .
7 She came to the last button and , plucking up all her courage , slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor .
8 An outbreak of spots may leave a brown discoloration on the skin which can last for several months and leave it looking mottled .
9 to their lips and soothe it to sleep
10 Knowledge memorized as a list of facts is of little practical use unless backed up by activities that put it to work .
11 Knowledge memorized as a list of facts is of little practical use unless backed up by activities that put it to work .
12 He lifted one of the plump feet and let it drop again to show us how lifeless it was .
13 And Joe 's mum give me mostly pound coins and get it changed for a ten pound note .
14 " In any art festival it is difficult to have fee expression by the artists and expect it to appeal to all the different social groups . "
15 Procoagulant factors include lipoprotein ( a ) that contains plasminogen-like domains that allow it to compete with plasminogen for binding sites on endothelial cells , thus impairing fibrinolysis .
16 well in the end I expect there 'll be a lot of places that do it do n't you ?
17 Oh got to produce a few sheets of stuff and we 've got ta get the addresses of the bases and get it distributed and it 's a task I 'm gon na pass on
18 ‘ I am practising hard to try to find the answer and I am playing in several events in the next few weeks and hope it comes right . ’
19 Well it 's just brought out a budget to paper over a few cracks and make it look good because they knew that , they 've got no more chances this is it in n it ?
20 I must stick with the composers and make it known that I am willing to perform these new works anywhere .
21 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
22 While new organizations may possess a strong commitment to a new policy , and may have powers that enable it to bring together the resources for its implementation that were not possessed by any single previous organization , it still has to relate to a world in which other agencies have a great deal of power to influence its success .
23 I do n't see the point of doing things that make it sound completely unlike a guitar .
24 ‘ The problem with the Touche Ross report is that it makes assumptions that lead it to overestimate the savings associated with smaller , more numerous councils .
25 Blake says how pleased he is with the firm 's improved performance , acknowledging the considerable efforts and progress it has made .
26 That means that you will be able to run an application on a number of different processors and have it look the same and work the same on each machine .
27 The method is designed to accentuate ways that advance your body clock and play down ways that cause it to delay .
28 Cross it over , round the back , and back up to the front again , do a reef knot here and tuck your ends in straight away of course like so and then this little bit can just be tucked up where you 've crossed the two ends and make it look neater with no ends hanging out , no that , all that does is keep the dressing secure , keep infection out , okay ?
29 ‘ The object of the exercise is to secure one of these pennants and return it to base .
30 In practice , it will probably try to get away with transfer prices that let it shift profits into low-tax countries .
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