Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 You can freeze these buns or make them the day before and keep in an airtight container .
2 However , of all the confusions that confront us the rumours alleging that the Hooligan gangs were armed with guns are particularly difficult to unravel , or to state in any balanced way .
3 People prefer to be opportunists and leave themselves the flexibility of ‘ seeing what happens and reacting accordingly ’ .
4 Hunt down traitors and find what the King wants .
5 Tonight , we look at other memorable programmes from the archives and ask what the future holds ?
6 WOW ! is a new three-part course for teenagers , designed to meet the challenges of teaching young beginners and bring you the rewards of success .
7 One is to give all the children obstacles such as sacks , boxes , old tyres , ladders and ropes and give them the opportunity to make up their own course .
8 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
9 One of the difficulties is that the end state is so far removed from the average child that it is very difficult for them to see why they have to learn to read , but if they can realize that if they learn to read in those houses where they have it they 'll be able to read the Radio Times and know what the television programmes are , that at least is motivating .
10 Often bosses ignore workers or give them the silent treatment — a negative , no-win situation for all concerned .
11 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
12 " Electives ' , as they 're sometimes called , enable you to narrow your focus of study onto those specific subjects/classes that interest you the most .
13 If so you must register the package , Transend can help with many popular packages and save you the trouble of sending orders overseas .
14 If so you must register the package , Transend can help with many popular packages and save you the trouble of sending orders overseas .
15 Can you advise me about the pros and cons and tell me the best way to retain their copper finish ?
16 Most manufacturers will be happy to send you their catalogues and give you the name of your nearest stockist .
17 As I remember , it went , ‘ Do not heed the siren voices of the appeasers but seek ye the enemy within . ’
18 There are certain things in there that say what we can and ca n't do , and certain things that say what the band can and ca n't do , ’ says Marshall .
19 Sets of boundary conditions that tell us the state of some regions of the universe at a certain time and what effects propagate into it subsequently from the rest of the universe .
20 Six times a year , Microsoft Systems Journal brings you timely technical insights and experienced advice on the development topics that interest you the most .
21 Britain has a massive advantage in natural resources that give it the potential to be at the forefront of renewable energy generation .
22 The document focuses on two areas : changes with which universities will have to comply , and changes that offer them the chance to market their skills .
23 Something to do with the kinks and chemicals in our brains that give us the Talent .
24 Shortly after the event , Stanley Peters said ‘ The response has been outstanding and we , as a company , welcomed the opportunity to meet families and show them the factory ’ .
25 ‘ I 'm sure we should reverse things and do it the other way around as the Americans do but it certainly means we can hit our irons well and , believe me , this course is going to demand exceptional iron play .
26 ‘ It was stupid , and I suppose I did a bad job of it , but it was not easy , offering to set aside my rigid Old-World principles and give you the freedom you wanted . ’
27 It is this sense of identification that gives hope to the newcomers that others will understand their fears and actions and show them the route to recovery .
28 Sugar have provided the right vehicle for Mould to tether his current world-view to , providing ( with Mould 's guitar and the tightness of the rhythm section ) a set of beautifully hard-knuckled rock arrangements that give him the clout he needs to reinforce the feeling inherent in his vocals .
29 ‘ We see our only hope as being the White Paper where the money would follow the patients and give us the funds to treat the patients that arrive . ’
30 Not until you give me a few answers and do me the courtesy of telling the truth . ’
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