Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The shop now caters for the mainstream market , but it was built upon bringing in exclusive trainers from Germany in the early Eighties , trainers that had nothing to do with America , but a lot to do with the nomad Scousers , and Wade Smith often supplemented his stock by buying from Liverpool ‘ entrepreneurs ’ with time on their hands to travel to Deutschland and acquire , by various methods , the much sought after , exclusive Adidas Trim-Trab .
2 Alongside the development of poor law hospitals many voluntary hospitals , assisted by charitable funds that enabled them to provide cheap or free services to the poor , were founded or grew in strength from their earlier origins .
3 She thought of him as a big tree , with strong branches that enabled her to climb him , which she did when he was home .
4 But those that came from arid islands and had to crane their necks in order to reach branches of cactus or leaves of trees , had much longer necks and a high peak to the front of their shells that enabled them to stretch their necks almost vertically upwards .
5 Vicky and I , although occasionally playing roles that had something to do with the ( slight ) story , were more often in a group ( Country Maidens , Serving Wenches , even Coiffed Nuns … ) .
6 From the yard where the cart was kept , Rosa heard the Small splosh in the bucket after Sabina had placed the bird between her legs and slitted it to pull the guts .
7 Somersaulting before he reached the opposite side of the recreation room , Rostov flexed his legs and allowed himself to come gently to rest .
8 It smashed and he picked up one the table legs and used it to hit her . ’
9 Hugo first telephoned the de Chavigny offices and told them to contact Edouard immediately ; then , for the first time in many years , he prayed .
10 The ancient Chinese observed the fighting methods of certain animals and adapted them to form the basis of a martial arts system .
11 His hair , which he had cut himself in one of the gales of thrift that blew up in him every few weeks , kept getting into his eyes and caused him to see a charming rainbow when he stood under a street lamp to look up at Sam 's room — something he had done too often .
12 Raised his cap with a pretty gesture , blushed to his eyes and asked me to come and see his work . ’
13 With a sigh , she leaned against it , laying down her champagne glass , then closed her eyes and forced herself to breathe deeply and slowly .
14 Claudia Yeo closed her eyes and forced herself to speak to the empty space behind the desk .
15 She found herself reaching out to touch him in return , closed her eyes and told herself to stop , but could n't .
16 Retaining only a dozen men to accompany the vehicles when they entered the grounds , he divided the remainder into two parties and dispatched them to cover the area north of the perimeter fence .
17 And she laughed her laugh , that shocking laugh which turned heads and caused her to blush and put a hand over her naked mouth .
18 Robyn weaved her way through the cars and forced herself to walk confidently up to the front door , despite the sinking feeling in her stomach .
19 For friendship 's sake , Maud tried to keep off political subjects and urged him to stick to his poems and visions .
20 It was Francis with his head back laughing , inhaling all the joy of the world ; Francis delighting in the flowers he threw together with branches and invited me to enjoy .
21 For example , when Bernstein showed working-class children a sequence of pictures and asked them to tell the story contained there , they began so to speak from inside it : ‘ he kicks the ball through the window then the woman chases them ’ etc. ( 1971 ) .
22 She showed these children a series of pictures and got them to tell a story about what they had seen .
23 Sitting on the bed , Theda took her by the shoulders and dragged her to sit up .
24 He hung his heavy axe and rubber-handled flashlight on nails hammered into the edge of a high shelf , then shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and left it to lie where it fell .
25 Putting down his glass and removing hers , he gripped her shoulders and propelled her to stand in front of the mirror .
26 Penry grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to face him .
27 His Mum took him by the shoulders and turned him to face her .
28 Myra shrugged her shoulders and found something to do that would keep her busy and well out of Claudia 's way .
29 He took her shoulders and spun her to face him .
30 He ex husband George Hailes pleaded not guilty to cruelty , but magistrates banned him from keeping a dog for 6 months and ordered him to contribute towards prosecution costs .
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