Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 So you 're doing exactly what we were telling you to do a few weeks ago , that you had to er take money out of reserves or you had to cut down on the level of services if you were to avoid putting that thirty four pounds on the council tax bills this year .
2 Well I was just tidying myself up , och just a week lick of lipstick and a puffa blusher basically when I noticed that my mascara was on its last legs so I had to remind myself to stop by at Frazers Innoxa counter as any other tearproof bar theirs brings me out in lumps , so to cut a long story short I just nicked in the sidedoor — honest to god I was festooned with carriers laden down like a workhouse donkey — and I 'd to cut through the shoe department .
3 So , they could n't get it into their heads that you had to sit on the floor .
4 When Phil Collins came on , his jacket had such wide shoulders that I had to lean to one side to see the monitor TV set which the producer uses to scribble messages to me .
5 My seven younger brothers and I had to go to work to help our mother . ’
6 Suddenly the tears spurted out of Daisy 's eyes and she had to turn away and bury her face in Drew 's Land-Rover .
7 So we had to go to pictures and we had to have a few or whatever .
8 When I first saw it , when I was looking at it , I was amazed at these huge great hooks and eyes , and I thought ‘ gosh , they ca n't have been very good at making hooks and eyes if they had to make them so big ’ .
9 At the same time Italian youth became even more highly organized ; on many Saturdays my schoolmates and I had to travel to Parma to attend parades in our various uniforms .
10 There was fifty and there was five levers and three lifts and I had to get a piece of paper and er make a , when you get one , two , three and then five you could have er three , three , two , one and five , four , three , two , one , you know what I mean ?
11 There were only two bedrooms and I had to share a bedroom with David 's mother , a living arrangement that I just was n't used to .
12 Ultimately the pressure for reform came from the Whitehall ministries because they had to use local government to execute many of their plans , particularly for local economic development and urban renewal and they found that the machinery was simply ineffective .
13 It was a good six months before they had to meet again , this time in the Texaco Trophy matches in England .
14 If not for the operation it would only be a matter of months before she had to go on Dialysis .
15 Teri has given up going to New Year 's Eve parties after she had to lock herself in the kitchen with loads of middle aged ladies hammering on the door .
16 With this background , as a teacher I saw the subject as a collection of facts and skills that I had to impart to my pupils in a well-defined sequence .
17 And that 's a bit like that erm the teaching skills that I had to do that time when I was on the course .
18 Bill Francis looked so much worse in twelve hours that I had to control my expression when I went back to him .
19 Alright , fair enough , you accepted what we 've been saying for ages that we had to go to voluntary competitive tendering right .
20 Sensitive Sunday Telegraph columnist Sir Peregrine Worsthorne was so distressed by our views that he had to ask his secretary , Justine Oliver , to reply .
21 It became clear from talking to parents that I had to see how what they said actually hooked up with their experience , the fine detail of it , and not to assume that I knew exactly what kind of lived experience lay behind a familiar form of words .
22 Now and again there was a light in his eyes , a far-off look , that was so appealing to her senses that she had to break it to ease her own pain .
23 He 's a charming Hungarian , who had such trouble with the Communists that he had to get out .
24 I had to write string quartets and little symphonies and I had to write jazz melodies over chords and , eventually , I had to write down my own music .
25 ‘ He stole our front door keys and we had to have all the locks changed at our home . ’
26 I was working on the gardens and we had to sweep all the grounds .
27 Your mother fed the clothes into the rollers and you had to turn the old mangle .
28 Upon reaching Tarbes as forecast , the cloud base was around 600 to 800 feet and we had to fly an ILS approach .
29 Suddenly , one of the organisers called my number , I had to take off my socks and shoes as you had to do the jump in bare feet and I had to go over to get weighed again on different scales to make sure I was using the correct cord ( they were very safety conscious about every aspect of the jump ) .
30 The female member of Scott Bramwell 's Delmas team suffered severe altitude sickness as they reached 12,000 feet and she had to retire .
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