Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It has always been so greatly prized in Indian homes where it is served particularly on special occasions and whenever possible .
2 A strict auction is appropriate if there are a considerable number of interested parties or it is known that there are several parties determined to acquire the business .
3 The RR wiper motor is mounted in rubber bushes where it is screwed to the bulkhead .
4 Clearly assistance is not given to all kin invariably and whatever the circumstances , but are there certain relationships where it is given almost automatically ?
5 Another version of the bronze lion , from the collection of Dr Simon in Berlin , is illustrated in Bode 's 1908 book on Italian Renaissance bronzes where it is considered to be sixteenth-century .
6 He has dismissed warnings from the Office of Fine Arts that it is forbidden to deal in State property , quoting the former assistant secretary of state L. de Graaff , who in 1984 stated that the artists were free to do with these works as they wished .
7 The exporter does not expect to get paid for his goods for 12 months so he is given a credit note — a standby letter — from the importer 's bank .
8 We employ an elderly book-keeper who is due to retire soon and I am concerned about getting someone to replace her as the books that she is keeping appear quite complicated .
9 Listening is much more than hearing ; it is an active process whereby the listener attends exclusively to the speaker , not only to the words that he is speaking .
10 The first meeting was held in January 1992 for tomato growers and it is hoped that clubs will be established for all crop groups by the end of 1994 .
11 One of those who will be first to move , Mrs Jean Cooke , a secretary in the Sales Department , said , ‘ I have seen the plans for new offices and it is going to be super .
12 Unfortunately , within the party , there is widespread distrust of the approved list of candidates and it is regarded as anything but fair .
13 The unit can only be used successfully with low level inputs , such as microphones and low output guitar pick-ups if it is preceded by a suitable preamplifier .
14 TACKLING your opponent very hard and then lifting him up with your hands under his armpits and pulling his hairs until he is screaming blue murder — and you say to the referee ‘ Well , I 'm only trying to help him ! ’
15 The Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester is trying to shake off its persistent image of being just too highbrow for words and it is striving to show the general public that they might actually enjoy some of the things that go on there .
16 He is working on a scheme with the National Federation of WI to organise a competition to celebrate next year 's 75th anniversary by offering 10 telecottages as prizes for its 9,000 branches and he is hoping the WI will establish a pilot telecottage near its college in Denman , Oxfordshire .
17 A spokesman for the Banking Industry has denied that there are about to be any job losses and it is hoped that that statement is correct .
18 ‘ In the States , most of the big races are over a mile or ten furlongs and it is becoming trickier by the season to be absolutely sure you have made the right decision . ’
19 However , he will have to take much more radical steps if he is to acquire truly ‘ green ’ credentials .
20 The profession will have to take positive steps if it is to make any progress in bridging the expectation gap .
21 Therefore , will not there be a need for radical changes in the United Nations if it is to maintain any confidence and respect throughout the world ?
22 Mervyn Wilson gives a good service to his cricket clients and it is hoped that he was able to put his money where his mouth is and lay this price to all that wanted it to reasonable limits .
23 ‘ You know she does n't have the voice , and she 'll already be covering two heavy roles if she is to lead in the Baron and sing Juliette in our new Luxembourg .
24 A third party right can not be revoked or modified by the parties if it is established that the right was not intended to be so revocable or modifiable without the third party 's consent .
25 Once a Bill or a proposed measure requiring parliamentary approval enters the lists and it is realised that an environmental impact assessment must be produced , and once it is decided to commission an environmental impact assessment it becomes public property .
26 According to Spill , there are a number of checkpoints that SCO must negotiate over the coming months if it is to maintain its MIPS effort — each requiring a commitment of political will , as well as cash .
27 Frame Technology Corp , San Jose warns that it will likely report a first quarter loss on revenues 15% to 20% below analysts ' expectations of $20.5m ; it did $770,000 net or $0.07 per share on $13.3m a year ago and says the shortfall is from the Frame North America distribution organisation ‘ which has experienced lower than expected sell-through ; ’ business projections are on target for Europe and OEM units but it is restructuring the North American sales organisation , establishing a separate sales division to focus on direct corporate sales .
28 This pessimism may have some truth given the present management approach within our schools but it is suggested here that if that managerial frame of reference was itself to be radically re-oriented , then teachers ' perceptions of their own professionality would also be powerfully affected and they may indeed come to feel that effective classroom activity was positively related to their performance in the wider school context .
29 The Bulgarian government has decided to suspend production at the country 's biggest lead plant for several months because it is causing severe pollution to nearby agricultural land .
30 He predicted Microsoft will sell 1m copies of Windows NT in the first four months after it is released this summer , but that the time between NT 's introduction and its arrival as ‘ the dominant operating system ’ will be as long as three years .
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