Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] [is] too " in BNC.

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1 But I have actually slept top-to-tail when we 've had parties and it 's too late for the lads to go home , now just get into the bed top-to-tail and keep each other warm so that the winter and yeah
2 Now , he 's had it what eighteen months and it 's too small for him .
3 I received a letter this morning from the social security office stating that it can not take anything off the income support of one woman who is being pursued for arrears because she is too poor .
4 An eighty-six year old man has been told that he ca n't keep his artificial legs because he 's too accident prone .
5 Liberals say it is too right-wing ; conservatives that it is too left-wing .
6 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
7 Mr de Klerk 's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk .
8 Combine these two flaws and there 's often a lack of players on-screen at one time — the scanner does n't help matters as it 's too small to be of any use .
9 I 've wasted years and it 's too late .
10 The other problem is that , while the UK coal industry is producing more than UK demand , the surplus it produces can not be sold economically to other buyers because it is too expensive to produce .
11 Sometimes , to be firm with people can be more helpful than leaving problems until it is too late .
12 Relearning is a longer , gradual process with ups and downs and it is too easy just to give up .
13 Certain areas of the province are out of bounds to service families because it 's too risky .
14 I feel the media have a great responsibility to inform the public in ways they can understand , how great the challenge is becoming and the need to make changes before it is too late .
15 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
16 You get the feeling that this is a film made as a gift from the writers to Brando , who probably fancied the idea of a few laughs before it 's too late .
17 Hydrangeas are very good , but these have to come from the corporation nurseries as it is too early for outdoor ones .
18 The explanation for this appeared to be that a manager can not properly control and discipline subordinates if he is too close to them emotionally .
19 And he does n't play games because he 's too big now — he 's 34 . ’
20 This week 's Talking Point suggests how we can help to save our threatened beauty spots before it 's too late .
21 The only possible result of doing so is to discover mistakes that it is too late to correct .
22 Many an anti-dog man joins the ranks of dog lovers because he is too weak to resist the demands of beloved children , but in Wexford 's household the demands had never been more than half-hearted , so he had passed through this snare and come out unscathed .
23 The decisions taken now will affect numerous generations , not just our own , and as well as the Government it is up to us , the consumers , to adopt our own energy policies before it 's too late .
24 It adds : ‘ The viability of this proposal will need to be further explored with the private sector and others as it is too early at this stage to value the commercial opportunities a road might bring for improved coal and mineral extraction , forestry , recreation and other developments to defray construction costs . ’
25 However , the navy and many MPs are likely to oppose Mr Kaifu 's plan , currently the government 's official position , when next year 's budget comes before parliament on the grounds that it is too expensive .
26 Pro-abortion groups also oppose the protocol on the grounds that it is too restrictive .
27 OUTRAGED AND CONCERNED PARENTS hope to ban Margaret Atwood 's novel , ‘ The Handmaid 's Tale ’ , on the grounds that it is too sexually explicit and anti-Christian to be read by high school seniors .
28 COMPUTER expert Paddy Spooner has been banned from a country club 's quiz nights because he is too clever .
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