Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 Once I get them up from their rest , we go off to the lake and feed the ducks or we go to friends .
2 It seemed to professionals and parents that there are certain ways in which young people can be helped : regimes they should follow ; treatments that are essential to their well-being ; skills and knowledge they require ; and risks that they need to be sheltered from .
3 And some fiction ; women must be writing better books than they seem to be publishing . ’
4 After the victory at the sea the triumph song , but hardly have the last notes escaped Israel 's lips than we come to the second story of complaint ( 15.22–7 ) .
5 Amid an increasingly confused situation the central government in Madrid and the Generalitat in Barcelona found themselves facing demands that they distribute to UGT and CNT members arms with which to resist ‘ fascism ’ .
6 The Treasury had accepted the idea that international facilities are a cost-effective way to support large-scale research , but is has been reluctant to provide financial incentives to attract such facilities to Britain , following the example of France and Switzerland , because of doubts that they contribute to the country 's economic wealth .
7 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
8 The coffee was a revelation — it 's so easy to forget how bad coffee is in British restaurants until you go to France or Italy .
9 They are foreigners and they appear to be drinking .
10 There 's more than one way to prevent segre to prevent integration , you can draw school boundaries in certain ways to effectively segregate schools if you want to , but let's not have this macho stuff on the school steps , armed guards , you know , er I mean er the pictures of mobs , that 's the only expression for them I suppose , mobs of white people , you know , throwing , throwing bricks and bottles at seven and eight year old black children on the way to school , I do n't want , I do n't want , I can do without it .
11 Increase the size of your Goblin units if you have to , even drop the number of units to a bare minimum to counteract the effect .
12 We continue now along the Rua da Carreira , past the many small restaurants and bread and cake shops until we come to a street on the right called Rua do Quebra Costas which will take us to the English Church , hidden behind a high wall in a large garden .
13 There are no buttonholes but you can push buttons through the ladders if you want to .
14 Erm you could take two cars if you want to .
15 Erm so you can get those figures yourself from Money Management , and from er various erm newspapers , and you can actually check performances if you want to .
16 There will be various categories in which to enter good movement pictures and we hope to both generate more interest in Medau and find new ideas for our publicity boards .
17 Close your eyes if you have to , just stop gawping and dance .
18 I did have a chin tuck , and the lady who worked on the book with me said , ‘ Now , Elizabeth , you know we 're going to be together for months and we have to be absolutely honest with each other .
19 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
20 But we 've got to live by their rules and not expect privileges because we happen to be women . ’
21 Under a scheme introduced at Shell Chemicals in February last year women receive six months ' maternity pay , half at the beginning of their leave and the rest paid in stages during the first nine months after they return to work .
22 Indonesian conservationists have reported that at least 1,000 orang-utangs have been smuggled from the country 's forests via Singapore to Taiwan , where they are popular as pets before they grow to adult size .
23 It becomes an important part of tactics on upwind legs as you get to higher standards .
24 My interviewees are taking up subject positions as readers as they talk to me .
25 We all send and receive visual signals when we talk to each other .
26 buzzing in ears when I go to bed at night .
27 We find a more genuine reconciliation of the two authors when we turn to Simmel 's analysis of exploitation and alienation .
28 If so , encourage them to paint pictures as they listen to music or try using art games .
29 If you want to know how I , and , incidentally , Joanna , are so sure that you and Robert love each other … well , it 's in your eyes when you talk to him , in the way he tenses up when he sees you — there 's a magnetism between you that is almost visible . ’
30 Jeff Richer had choreographed the salacious routine , which began with me oozing down a cat-walk in a long black velvet evening coat and sliding it off my shoulders as I turn to camera revealing the lace gown .
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