Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 But oh , the glory and the convenience of skiing in resorts where you step into your bindings and ski down to the lift without setting foot to snow , where you cruise all day on networks so meticulously designed that you have but to descend to find another fan of lifts at your disposal .
2 They originate from pluripotent bone marrow stem cells and migrate through peripheral blood to tissues and body cavities where they differentiate into specialised cells showing great diversity of phenotopic and functional characteristics .
3 Typical low-voltage lighting sets consist of two or four lights , usually coloured and mounted on spikes that you push into the soil in flowerbeds .
4 And all the schools that they go into
5 I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine and five shots went over my head , ’ recalls Roy .
6 She bust her moorings and she belted into the coal-tips , ready for loading .
7 If the new , friendlier systems do come onto the market , and if they 're bought as presents and so on , and they get into the homes and they get into the schools , then people will just learn to use them , and it 's the existing professionals who may have to change their habits to accommodate .
8 This is a budget Chairman that builds on the achievements of the last four years , the care for our schools and it takes into account that the future will not be as rosy as we would like and allows for contingencies .
9 This immediately limited the number of towns that could be planned , for most English towns have developed from villages , and their sites had been partly built on for centuries before they developed into towns .
10 This time around , Chadwick 's approach to recording the album was to spend as much time as possible rehearsing and re-rehearsing the songs before they went into the studio .
11 Crusaders are also pondering their first Euro headache — two months before they go into the UEFA Cup draw .
12 ‘ Is that a promise , Chris , or will I have to wait another six months before I bump into you — literally ? ’
13 He started gawking at the people in the stands when he came into the stretch .
14 The bag was bumping against her legs as she turned into Corporation Lane .
15 I felt tears come into my eyes as they had into Flora 's at dinner .
16 Tenderly he wiped its mouth and nostrils and eyes as it coughed into life , vomiting saline nutrient over his hands .
17 The speed of its silent , thrusting passage dazzled her eyes as she stared into it .
18 She closed her eyes as he thrust into her , moving with rhythmic deliberation until everything exploded in her , and she released her breath in one long sigh of physical fulfilment .
19 ROS raises himself on his elbows and shades his eyes as he stares into the auditorium .
20 Like mustard gas , the nitrogen mustards caused blisters when they came into contact with skin , and they damaged many other tissues when they were absorbed or injected into the circulating blood .
21 Years ago it housed all the village activities including lantern slides , then moving pictures when they came into being .
22 The upper image shows part of the soma and dendrites as they emerge into the plane of the optical section .
23 Everyone had gone except this boorish man and his sleazy dirty place , and the poor old decrepit cleaner , who did n't seem particularly dismayed at the sight that greeted their eyes when they went into the room where the reception had been held .
24 ‘ One moment , ’ Frau Nordern said , placing a well aimed dart between the Sergeant 's broad , grey-clad shoulders as he went into an inner office .
25 A second factor may be found in the nature of particle movement within waves when they run into shallow water .
26 Just watch the looks from passers-by as you drive into town in the stunner with power-assisted steering ideal for parking in the city .
27 Just watch the looks from passers-by as you drive into town in the stunner with power-assisted steering ideal for parking in the city .
28 Zerrer like her assistant Margo , who is busying herself about the Centre supervising clients as they get into their goggles , turns out to be , unsurprisingly , a new age devotee , though she cringes at the mention of the words .
29 The Conservative Party did not take up any definite stand on comprehensive schools when it came into office in 1979 .
30 Sustaining the improvement in our performance will therefore depend on expanding our international and non-oil markets , although the profits of the former will be affected by start-up losses as we move into new territories .
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