Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] give [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The throw took her by surprise , was sharp and strong , and went a little wide , so that it was only the experience of three younger brothers that gave her quick enough reflexes to shoot an arm out sideways to take the catch .
2 The gentle , careful , intelligent eyes that gave nothing away while leaving you with the impression that you and what you were saying were the most intelligent things she had ever beheld and heard .
3 But , as she looked up into his dark eyes that gave nothing away , and battled furiously against the pride that would have held her back from pressing her question , suddenly the sun came out .
4 BeckerTools is a set of utilities that give you better or extra disk and file utilities under Windows .
5 ‘ Well … it was her feet that gave her away . ’
6 It will enable us to focus our activities and give us even greater clarity of purpose .
7 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
8 Council leader Eric Bramfitt said : ‘ Our submission is not about modernising houses and giving everything else a clean lick of paint .
9 But Chauntecleer slips and gives himself away : and the Miller does not .
10 Thus the ‘ qualities ’ covered a wider range of sports but gave them proportionately much less space overall than the populars .
11 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
12 the not getting better with normal things that gives it away .
13 Well I can I can remember when I was a child and kids had a lot of time to do hobbies and a favourite hobby was to make a a garden and I never made one , but a friend of mine was ooh forever making these things and giving them away as presents you got the lid of a biscuit tin or something of that sort and you I do n't know what they used for grass they used to model little ducks and things and he had a piece of mirror to make a pond have you ever seen this done ?
14 Suspicious of voluntary admissions , social workers regarded court orders as giving them more control : yet the perverse outcome of more adversarial methods was to introduce an increased element of crisis .
15 No adult insect can produce silk , so these ants bring young larvae to the site , holding them between their jaws and giving them little squeezes so that the larvae will produce their silk .
16 If in doubt , do n't buy and if you are suspicious ring the police and give them as many details as you can .
17 Diana has a duty to bring up her own children and give them as normal a life as possible for as long as possible .
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