Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] say [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Supporters of sacked workers have rejected accusations of ‘ rent-a-mob ’ tactics and say they plan to turn up in force again .
2 But before I 'd got very far with my story he shrugged his shoulders and said he did n't believe me .
3 You have made 'em red , you have made 'em redundant and you in , in you have and I hope you 've had nobody redundant because I 've I 'd be pleased to go out to those homes and say them come back and I would be pleased to go up to and say you 've got your figures wrong because you 're saying that nobody 's made redundant ooh well I I 'm so pleased .
4 According to Richard Baxter , for example , it led to the arrogance of ‘ idle boys who tear out all the hard leaves of their books and say they have learned all when they have learned the rest ’ .
5 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
6 Liberal Democrats actually get in corners and say we hate Government , y'know , what can we do to get po power away from London ?
7 He said the first day I went , I , I never sold anything except a couple of por a bit dubious , so he cooked half a dozen sausages , one bit of fish and did a few chips and said I bet we 'll be sitting here all day well every bugger come for fish and chips , had n't got none had they !
8 This was so severe a problem that in the early twentieth century a petitioner to the asantehene protested against such death duties and said they had
9 Get on the phone and phone up Currys and say I 've got this model freezer
10 True , the report 's authors criticise the EC 's trigger-happy use of anti-dumping rules and say there remains a risk that the Community will drift into a European trade zone built around special agreements with the EFTA countries and Eastern Europe .
11 Mr Tutton blamed it on a type of narrow laser beam used in early operations and said it had not been a problem for the British patients .
12 Betjeman appeared in a pair of eccentric bedroom slippers and said he hoped I did n't mind them as he had a blister .
13 his school sports and said I did it for the sake of the children !
14 She paints hearts in lots of different colours and says she has no intention of branching out into other organs of the body .
15 He joined the RAF fresh from A-levels and says he decided to go for the degree so he would have another string to his bow .
16 The count stayed with the holiday party for 12 days but said he left when his relationship with Mellor became strained .
17 He admits the Xtra requirements gathering process sometimes lags behind vendors ' product introductions but said he thought XPG4 would contain some elements that were ahead of current offerings on interoperability .
18 DEC says this did n't allow it sufficient time to evaluate the proposals but says it supports all such unified Unix efforts and promises to make its position clear this week .
19 Last night AA Roadwatch urged drivers to take care in the icy conditions and said it anticipated problems with heavy traffic during the holiday period .
20 It claims some 150,000 Interactive Unix licencees and says it added around 75,000 last year — many , but ‘ not a great percentage ’ were upgrades .
21 If you phone in t erm the Talking Yellow Pages and say I need a conference centre in Derbyshire , they 'll probably tell you that one .
22 Then Judge Shindler called back the 11 other jurors and said he had no choice but to discharge them too and order a retrial .
23 At quarter to eleven her old friend Jerry , the Valium addict , wandered in complaining of stomach pains and said he 'd taken another overdose .
24 Those anti the showing declined to give their names and said they had come as individuals .
25 She burst into tears and said she had not meant to criticize me ; it was just that we did n't love her , nobody did , and she had only her ‘ things ’ to care for now .
26 It claims some 150,000 Interactive Unix licensees and says it added around 75,000 last year — many , but ‘ not a great percentage ’ were upgrades .
27 Rain gathered her wits and said she had come to see the villa , the last place the Durance coterie had settled before disbanding .
28 And I think this has been proved you know that ask when people have changed their minds and said I do n't know , that this is what has happened in the last er ten to fifteen years erm and which makes me feel that once again I think that advances can only be evolutionary erm I think that erm , I do n't know if you , anybody saw Joseph Conrad 's erm spy story on the television ?
29 He is now scared to use outside loos and says he has lost work with bosses who wo n't let him go to find other facilities .
30 I took him to about twenty houses and had made love to him on the splintery boards of about half of them before he decided that this was not a suitable town for his mother to live in — too quiet , too far from London — and the estate agent , whose car had been left standing in leafy side-streets for too many unprofitable hours , gave me a week 's wages and said he thought another job might suit me better .
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