Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] he [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She could see in his eyes that he would not be won over .
2 Clad in a coat which was so stiff with gold wire and seed pearls that he could scarcely bend his arms he rode with his escort beneath a line of arches which were suspended on ropes between houses on opposite sides of one of the main streets .
3 And i and my lad would bring home all these damn great big books that he could n't read !
4 But his turning up at such an occasion may be an explicit act of communication — a way of saying without words that he can now resist the blandishments of the bar and that his friends and colleagues are to regard him as a reformed character .
5 And in spite of his own protestations that he could n't begin to do it , everybody pressed him , including Madame Dietrich , including the Baron 's wife , and she charmed him .
6 As the hands squeezed tighter a redness swam in front of his eyes and he could n't speak .
7 ‘ There were tears in his eyes and he could n't really speak .
8 I know Steve asked if we could go back to Thursdays cos he ca n't make a Wednesday night .
9 A spokesman for the District Commercial Services said the issue involved commercial considerations and he could not comment .
10 He has temper tantrums if he ca n't get his own way , and he even tries to hit me .
11 He was beginning to get to know them as individuals and to glimpse their relationships but he could never be more than the outsider looking in .
12 In choosing a kasabat kadilik , then , a student was in effect shutting himself off from the high offices of state and , provided that he intended to stay within the learned profession , dooming himself to a lifetime of service in the kasabat kadiliks unless he could somehow get back into the medrese stream .
13 we landed up with no idea of the description , on one of the pantomime performances because he would n't arrange the date and then
14 Steve used to sing backing vocals on it , but he was singing completely different words because he could n't understand what I was on about . ’
15 If he does not enjoy his previous hobbies because he can not achieve his former standards , you can try introducing him to new , different ones .
16 I told Harold that I did not approve of the appointment , but for reasons that he would not greatly appreciate .
17 He told me in one of his more lucid states that he ca n't write because he 's got too much to say … ’
18 The builder will not start more houses than he can reasonably be sure of completing in an economically short period of time , nor at a price at which he will be unable to dispose of them .
19 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
20 There are more terrors to come , more mysteries and secrets than he could ever know .
21 True , he gets himself so wound up at times that he ca n't help himself .
22 When the captain of the Olympic team tells the Sunday Times that he would never run in the 4x400 meters relay because ‘ those guys are not my kind of guys — I do n't like their attitude ’ , then he has to be challenging somebody to say , how dare you say that , to which he 'll reply , how can you stop me ?
23 Since Mr Clinton has said many times that he will not send ground troops to Bosnia until there is peace , the protection he has in mind will presumably consist of air power , no more .
24 A little boy ran up , face dirty , clothes dishevelled , his breath coming in short gasps so he could hardly speak .
25 Mr Serrano was told by the electoral authorities that he would not be able to hold either a plebiscite or elections for a new Congress , which he had hoped to do .
26 His first step towards that freedom was to tell the Zoo authorities that he could not work inside any of the cages or buildings or go where animals were confined .
27 So marvelous was the migrating instinct of birds that he could only ascribe it to the superior intelligence of their Creator .
28 Hill later told the stewards that he would n't use an apprentice rider again although Norton won on Atlantic Way last week .
29 The photographer only had the opportunity to do it because it was a benefit and he had access to the models that he would n't normally have .
30 She added said that she had believed Allen had homosexual tendencies and she had concerns that he would sexually abuse Satchel .
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