Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was only after extensive reading through the writings of many authors that I came across the work which undoubtedly gave the author this particular inspiration .
2 The woman from Ty Fach has found the pictures that I made on the rock , and the little woman with her has looked at them .
3 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
4 Er there was n't anything like the , well not to the schools that I went to , the corporal punishment that there seems to have been since .
5 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
6 Later I descended with the songs of the skylarks still in my ears and I listened to the grumbling of the men in the mist of the grey streets .
7 They are both disreputable practitioners of empty trades and I wanted to — ’
8 An Indian shawl went around my shoulders and I started toward the door .
9 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
10 Twenty pleasant minutes retraced the morning 's steps and I stood beside the Land Rover waving goodbye and listening to the blue van 's familiar toots as it continued north .
11 I told her she was telling porkies because I knew for sure that God put it there as a sign he was never going to drown us all again or otherwise wreck the planet .
12 But , remember , it 's only a few months since I won in Barcelona . ’
13 The following is a typical example of the character of the RAF as I saw it for the first time about a couple of months after I got to Baghdad .
14 Some months after I spoke to Feroza I learnt that she had had to return to Pakistan .
15 It must have been nearly three months before I heard from Mrs Ainsworth , and in fact I had begun to wonder at the bassets ' long symptomless run when she came on the phone .
16 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
17 The smell of burning plastic stayed in my nose and the bright glare of the burning mixture danced in my eyes as I hurried to the next hole , glancing at my watch as I did so .
18 I was contemplating the truth of these words as I drove up Pukea Road , a turning off the Kam Highway past Pipeline heading towards Waimea on the hill side .
19 The tears were still pissing from my eyes when I fled to the can .
20 ‘ I just looked at my books when I felt like it .
21 The only increase smaller than the £15 is in what is known as the terminal illness category for nursing homes , for reasons that I explained to the House in my uprating statement , where we have instead thought it more appropriate to make , through the Department of Health , an additional grant of £1 million specifically directed to the funding of hospices .
22 Erm , funnily enough earlier on in August , erm , I rang you up about Yugoslavia , and er , I , one of the reasons that I gave for not , the Europeans , not intervening in Yugoslavia was my fear that it might lead to the Russian military unseating Gorbachev and my , er , discard that the , the sick man of Russia , so erm , sort of parallel I , well I would n't parallel it with Yugoslavia , my argument in Yugoslavia was that we should n't intervene because we do not have primary interests with , I mean , well we clearly have general interest but we do n't have primary interest , additionally in Russia is that everybody , in the world have interest but I would definitely here say that Britain should clearly do nothing per .
23 For the reasons that I gave in answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Bexleyheath ( Mr. Townsend ) , I believe that we are looking after the interests and future of the wood as thoroughly as any reasonable person could .
24 Of her time at Somerville Sue comments : ‘ I 'm afraid I got far more from my extra-curricular activities than I did from my studies ’ .
25 The whole process became disheartening and , although I tried various mantras , from words I repeated endlessly to candle flames that I stared at , my thoughts always got the better of me .
26 The conflicts that I referred to earlier commonly occur at the level of technique when operation is implemented in dissociation from appraisal , in the form , for example , of prescribed teaching materials which have the appearance of novelty .
27 This afternoon , he has treated the House to an extraordinary collection of half-truths and inaccuracies , but he has not told us the Labour party 's attitude to the proposals that I identified in the statement .
28 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
29 they 're improvements that I started with ninth year .
30 ‘ Then I came south to Royston but Queen Margaret and her party had already returned to London to collect all their possessions so I followed in hot pursuit .
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