Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The backgrounds are available in two types — a rugged grey rock strata or a more knobbly brown variety called fossil .
2 The trustee may require a proof of debt to be verified by affidavit in the form set out in Schedule 4 to the rules or a substantially similar form ( Form 6.39 , see App C , form 35 ) .
3 Either the form with the above-mentioned characteristics or a slightly larger form with longer leaves .
4 It is all too common to find schools without stores , classrooms without cupboards , books without covers and a quite alarming rate of materials loss in schools often bearing little relationship to the official ‘ life expectancy ’ of materials on which the cost of replacements are calculated .
5 After the war he favoured stronger support for the South Koreans and a more interventionist policy with regard to China than President Truman would entertain , retiring in 1951 and going into business and right wing Republican politics .
6 Two well-turned-out girls in green aprons and an even smarter-looking youth waited to serve a customer who was picking up a bunch of grapes .
7 Although he was no longer resident , Pembroke kept his name on the College books until a still greater indiscretion made that impossible : he married , and what was worse , married a Catholic , in 1752 .
8 With air conditioned offices and a very pleasant aspect across open fields .
9 Laws without strong enforcement are words without deeds , and the tragic truth is that courts in both England and the United States have displayed a general unwillingness to mete out harsh punishment to those found guilty of cruelty to animals and an even greater reluctance to render guilty verdicts in the first place .
10 Van Gelder had n't made any mistakes about her , Talbot thought , except that he 'd missed out on the wide green eyes and a rather bewitching smile .
11 She was shortish and had an attractive way of cocking her head on one side and looking up with big dark eyes and a wryly amused smile .
12 Abel is a fortyish man with round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head .
13 She was not a beautiful woman , being tall and thin , with black hair and eyes and a very red face .
14 A Liverpool friend remembered him as ‘ a tall spare man with alert eyes and a very beautiful voice , but with an ironic and often unkind humour about his contemporaries ’ .
15 Abdullahi was a small , slender , restless man with quick , vigilant eyes and an engagingly ugly face .
16 With a choice of simple current/deposit account facilities , fixed deposit accounts , or managed currency funds and a highly personalised level of private banking , you may need to shop around for the most suitable .
17 For the first sixty miles , State Highway 290 offered hardly a bend , hardly a hill : just dry pastures and an almost empty road .
18 A woman died and three other people were injured in an accident involving two cars and a fully laden car transporter .
19 Two years later , Acme decides to obtain some new computers and a more powerful word processing program .
20 The juniors ' sports mistress , with sturdy thighs and a too tight tee-shirt , paused on her way over to the rugby field and smiled down at Clarissa who was sleepily opening her eyes .
21 Based on the idea that the service of God is incompatible with the service of Mammon and that true spirituality involves the renunciation of the material world , this view produces a dualism in which one set of principles applies at the level of personal relationships and an altogether different set to the affairs of the world .
22 Despite being Britain 's only world champion at three different weights and a highly respected professional , McKenzie has never approached star status in the eyes of the fight public or television paymasters .
23 A sauce he adapted from Les Dix Livres de Cuisine d'Apicius , of which a French translation by the cookery historian Bertrand Guégan appeared in 1933 , providing the starting point of the new trend , was one containing dates , almonds and a very large amount of chopped parsley .
24 She had tawny blonde hair down to her shoulders and a rather thin face with high cheekbones and a wide mouth .
25 A Metro–Cammel three–car dmu passes Bog Hill signalbox with semaphore signalling , redundant engine and goods sheds and a rather derelict goods yard ( with full coal staiths ) on leaving the station with the 09.15 Whitby–Darlington service .
26 Others who have done so have argued that elderly people are often faced with a choice between an unpleasant battle to survive in their own homes and an equally unpleasant enforced dependence in the institution ( Wilkin and Hughes , 1987 ) .
27 Such members can quite easily be made in curved shapes and a not uncommon obstruction on the roads of England is a lorry carrying vast timber arches for some architectural project .
28 After the Russians , these were the second most numerous ethnic group to be ruled from St Petersburg and occupied an area which , apart from the north-eastern corner of the Habsburg Empire , included the three southernmost of Russia 's nine western provinces and an equally large region on the left or eastern bank of the river Dnieper .
29 Sometimes it represents more serious and massive popular discontents , as in the renewed turn to Scottish nationalism in the late 1980s , plainly a reaction both to an all-British government supported by only a modest minority of Scots and a politically impotent all-British opposition party .
30 Her most beguiling quality was her air of dreamy detachment ; she liked being kissed , and kissed them back with mobile lips and a tantalisingly timid tongue , but at the end of a hectic hour of necking , when her partner would be scarlet-faced , sore-lipped and aching with frustrated desire , she was maddeningly serene .
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