Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It looked quite good with Crombies & trilbies & was sometimes lacquered .
2 She hurtled over cliffs in flaming cars or was brutally murdered on her way to the dry cleaners .
3 ‘ Managing by the numbers ’ collapses time-frames : individual businesses have to show quick returns on minimal outlays or be deliberately run down and liquidated as ‘ cash cows ’ ; in conglomerates , individual businesses are reduced to bargaining chips , quickly acquired and shed .
4 The project is concerned with identifying those household characteristics that are systematically related to their position in the income or living standard distribution .
5 They might , therefore , reasonably be expected to share characteristics that were also possessed by those common ancestors , even if they have unique characteristics as well .
6 Characteristics that were significantly related to increased mortality included diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mm Hg ( p=0.01 ) , haematocrit of less than 35% ( p=0.0001 ) , and a body-mass index of less than 22 kg/m ( p=0.001 ) .
7 With a stifled cry , she dropped the bolt , stepping back on legs that were suddenly made of water .
8 So he turned to other forms of theatre , directing operas , writing and staging revues and musicals , to which he brought new ideas and methods that were widely admired .
9 With respect to the embalming [ of ] Bodies , the methods that were commonly practised could , I know , have no effect ; at that time I read a good many Books upon ‘ Balsamation ’ but got very little instruction from reading these : according to my own Idea the best way would be to preserve the Body for some time that putrefaction should hardly be able to take place , & that it should gradually get rid of its moisture , & that , when it dried , it should have such imbalming juices in it , that it should resist putrefaction , & the insects at the same time be either kept off or destroyed : I set out with this Opinion & thought that something must be thrown thro' the whole Body : the when the Body was preserved , my Idea of getting rid of moisture was , to place the Body in some strong absorbent substance , & that substance which proved best I thought was Paris Plaister & I thought I could lay in a common Coffin such a quantity of Paris Plaister as would take out all the moisture & then I thought the Body should be rather in a wooden case than a leaden one because the Wood would assist the Absorption .
10 The thematic maps were computer generated , using information brought together from a number of databases and processed through a Geographic Information System with methods that were specially developed during the project .
11 The empowered organisation , emphasises Kinsley Lord , is held together by forces different from those that bind the command organisation : ‘ If the conventional metaphor for the command organisation is a dinosaur , with the brain at the top issuing instructions to the ponderous body , then that for the empowered organisation might be a shoal of fish , moving rapidly and constantly adjusting its shape through signals that are instantly understood . ’
12 This has been a minority view for 15 years or more , but one kept alive by the persistent efforts of Chip Arp , of the California Institute of Technology , who has over the years produced a series of photographs which show objects with very different redshifts that are physically connected by streamers of material .
13 ‘ They both have trades that are drastically needed and felt that it was something they could offer to help these children , ’ explained Mark 's girlfriend , Sarah Howe .
14 In silent single file they walked down the narrow corridor , Lisa staring at his back through eyes that were barely focused .
15 With eyes that were n't set in sockets but instead hung loose .
16 I had caught a glimpse of the Indian 's face in the rear mirror , a flat , rather moon-shaped face with high cheekbones , blackened teeth and dark eyes that were so slitted he had a Mongol look .
17 The black man momentarily took off his sunglasses as though to examine Ellen more closely and I saw he had very hard and very cynical eyes that were suddenly turned full on me .
18 5 Exclusive fashion cosmetics and skincare formulations that are specially selected to suit you — and delivered directly to your door
19 Well that is the , that is the erm the government guidelines that are actually set down and that 's what they pay out is fifty six pounds ten pence per week
20 They manufacture this liquid in nectaries that are usually located in the farthest depths of a flower .
21 A walk around Aarau brings one face to face with two architectural styles that are clearly defined , quite different , but which make a genial harmony .
22 This was preferred to the normal process of simply making the hair greyer , and the stars did not like the set of wigs that was originally intended to be used .
23 Capital investment is rarely a solution to complex problems , and the recurrent cost implications may be detrimental to health ministries that are already over-committed .
24 Today a great deal of local politics is arranged along party lines , and most councillors represent the political parties that are also found at Westminster .
25 Those parties that were not forced into clandestinity demonstrated scant ability to formulate new strategies or even to adapt existing ones to contemporary situations .
26 Pension funds can further diversify their portfolios by investing in a spread of these units across different managed funds ( insurance companies have in fact set up specialised managed funds that are largely made up of specific investments , to allow such diversification across managed funds by pension funds ) .
27 It is important to recognise that the research itself , and its setting , inflicts its own contingencies on the choice of indicators : research using interviews will have to use indicators that are largely constructed out of respondents ' answers to questionnaire items whereas observational studies , and Lazarsfeld did not preclude them from variable analysis in principle , would have to use others .
28 The indicators that are traditionally used are the money spent on health care or the number of health workers per head of population .
29 This is invariably from small-scale farmhouse producers , using just the milk of their own herd , be it cattle , sheep or goats , fed on pastures that are organically fertilised with farmyard manure or a natural material such as seaweed .
30 But it is not only the general practice units that are often mismanaged .
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