Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] get [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 We normally try and estimate the full year tax charge and then apply it to six months and we got it wrong .
2 It 's the nagging curse which afflicts all consumers — lingering doubts after you get it home , like ‘ should I have opted for Brand X instead of Brand Y ’ .
3 I mean it might take us another two week two months before we get it out .
4 How you going to know exactly where the boundaries go or i in between some land-lock countries that you got it in the right position
5 Will you pop and get some chips if I get you some money ?
6 In my day well every man had an allowance er and we bought our own provisions but every man er they were supposed to be by the commissioners but you got I think seven and six pence a day each man got seven and six pence and we clubbed that money together and bought our provisions er like that .
7 She spoke of tears at times until they got it right but accepted the suffering as he had no favourites and called them all his ‘ dolly girls ’ .
8 nicking them and capture there pay slips and you get it , you get a little brass plaque on it saying captured by so and so and the date , cos obviously they get fined for loosing it and all that sort of stuff
9 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
10 On the feet were home-made boots with double tongues : ‘ They were made by the village cobbler and cost fourteen shillings : they 'd last about two years if you got them clumped at the end of the first year . ’
11 ‘ At first , I had a few reservations but we got it mixed in a day .
12 It took time , it took time , it took a period of years till they got it finalized but when we got it finalized , we had for example er welding areas , in which no one was allowed in unless they were a welder you know .
13 We 're prepared to sustain losses for several years while we get it going .
14 It could take a number of years before we get them all on A L O courses and in fact there 's no way w I assume there 's no way we can put them on A L O courses til they 've done a crime prevention course at Is that right David ?
15 I went in one of them cage things and I got it over — well , you have to push with your legs and you sort of pull with your arms and nobody else could do it .
16 Okay well they 're two completely different spelling different things and you got them bot right I did n't I did n't help you I did n't even say and think about which sort of bean you 're using or anything like that did I .
17 I have to say though that with the terms on which we 've gone into the European Monetary System , a six per cent fluctuation either way , which as I said means from two seventy seven deutschmarks up to three thirteen ; there 's quite a lot of risk there for an exporter if he prices himself in deutschmarks and he gets it wrong .
18 It was Goscinny who suggested changes until we got him just right . ’
19 I also take the point Mr has made , and only assure you that we will look at these figures when we get them and take on board the sorts of comments that have just been made by yourself and Mr and by and use them with our judgement applied liberally .
20 So they were n't charging union rates and we got them relatively cheap .
21 We believe that it can only be in our interests that they get it right .
22 We all sat round the van , the caravan about quarter to four and she 'd just got one , she 'd got one of her friends and they got theirs about quarter to four .
23 If he can only argue to himself that they seem ’ interesting' it is highly likely that he does not really know why he is putting them in , or what he will do with the answers when he gets them .
24 Well I I want to have a big picture of England on the wall on which I can start to tick off bits as we get them .
25 I quickly cast back out again to the same spot and to my total astonishment the rod was almost pulled out of my hands before I got it back to the rests .
26 Tenderness is that hideous , cooing voice you hear mothers using to their children as they get them to do this , go there , stay here .
27 Before it was built we were very much under stress , because the church where we recorded was on a flight-path into Berlin , so we sometimes had to stop and re-record a passage five or six times before we got it right .
28 You 'll read that sort of round and round a few times before you get it straight in your head what 's
29 successful in doing these schemes and because resources on we are hard pressed , resources on the ground are thin then when people ring up with these schemes that we get it off the ground they meet this negative sort of answer when they ring in , that 's the only sort of er liaison with themselves and the police and they 're met with that , and their reaction then is down the pub tell their mates do n't ring in cos its a reaction , and that 's the trouble with us being , as it were too successful before , better to be less successful , but we 'd have more staff at the centre like Lincolnshire etc to actually get the difference from when somebody does the odd person does ring in they get a response to it
30 At each stop they would take one side of the street each and he could not help notice the disappointment on people 's faces if they got him rather than her .
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