Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 All too often , students engage in study that only results in shallow or superficial learning of the first type — for example , the rote learning of names , dates , superficial factual data and characteristics that you hold in your short-term memory just long enough to pass an examination and that are then rapidly forgotten , because they have not been internalized — perhaps because our psyches know they are not of much use in the long run .
2 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
3 The methods that he employed in September and October 1962 — the referendum combined with a personal appeal to popular confidence and official manipulation of the mass media — were essentially those he had employed throughout the early years of the Fifth Republic .
4 So even if they are inadvertently or wilfully slipping down a couple of hundred more calories than they intend in the course of a day , they might still find themselves clocking up a decent weight loss on the scales each week .
5 He was different from them , did n't eat in the kitchen with us , but had my mother bake him potatoes and grate carrots that he ate in the isolation of the dining room .
6 What Labour needs above all is the network of working-class activists , sympathisers and supporters that it had in workplaces and on housing estates even as recently as 20 years ago .
7 you know is there somewhere that I can get the subjects that I need in , in each
8 Well being Milton , and being very thorough , he gives us long lists , of course , of dozens of possible subjects that he had in mind , but he seems to have taken the King Arthur story very seriously .
9 One may quibble with some of Jakobson 's distinctions and classifications , but it must be stressed that these are only a small selection of the multitude of relationships that he identifies in the space of this short poem .
10 There are hundreds and hundreds of words that we use in everyday language to describe them .
11 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
12 when you have been through the list ask the LH to read all the words that you have in the " same " column , one after another , to see if they really are the same .
13 For example , one surface dyslexic can accurately define the irregular words that he regularizes in pronunciation tasks ( for instance , pronouncing ‘ colonel ’ as ‘ COL-OH-NELL ’ ) .
14 Nevertheless , he has not honoured the spirit of the words that he used in Committee , where we engaged in a long debate about the value of the assets and the effect on the workers .
15 We shall remember words that he used in an interview with The Independent : ’ If we have changed our mind to win we can change our mind when we have won .
16 Now just specify the variables that you want in this regression , right , your dependent variable first okay when you 've specified the equation , sorry once you specify the equation press the end key which is between the alphabetic and the numeric key pads , that will then submit that request , right .
17 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
18 No one knows now who made those fine antique rugs that you see in the museum .
19 They did n't pay much , but they were more like the old music halls than anything left in the South .
20 I am sorry that we did not manage to pin the overspending of Labour authorities on those authorities and that we did not have a chance to repeat across the country the electoral triumphs that we enjoyed in Trafford , Southend , Brent , Hillingdon , Ealing , Wandsworth and Westminster .
21 ‘ Kalli , ’ wrote Denness in his autobiography , ‘ was so angry that he smashed his bat so savagely on the pavilion steps that it broke in two . ’
22 THE STEP METHOD — Count the number of steps that you take in one minute at your normal walking speed .
23 You get higher turn out in non- metropolitan districts than you do in county council or in metropolitan district elections .
24 As with the STANDARD version , shapes that you design in the ORIGINAL section can be superimposed on to stitch patterns created in the COLOUR PATTERN section .
25 We 're constantly reworking songs and I imagine in the next few months we 'll probably be reworking members too .
26 His Nan always gets lollies in for the kids and they came in more than useful this time . ’
27 Your Dad smells of your Dad 's got crabs and they go in his eyeballs in the , .
28 ‘ Our club accountant discovered the shortages and we called in the police . ’
29 The height , the sky and the distance went to their heads and they skipped in the sunset .
30 If you lift heavy weights and you lift in the wrong way , you can obviously do yourself damage .
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