Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 Any appeals or advice to exercise self-determination or prescriptions as to how and when to change the GDR government are not only inappropriate but may raise doubts about the authenticity of the eventual allegedly free choice .
2 The Soviet Foreign Minister left no doubt about his concern that some West German politicians might compromise the right of the GDR to self-determination by ‘ offering prescriptions as to how and when to change the GDR system ’ .
3 erm no doubt there 'll be lots of inquests as to why and what and everything else but we did lose that and we lost it badly and from then onwards the outcome was pretty inevitable bearing in mind the erm views of the independent .
4 Various fairly unscientific theories have been put forward over the years as to why and how it got there .
5 There are only the smallest of delicately dropped clues as to how and why they ended up with the social skills of a herd of rhinos .
6 There are few indications in the documents as to when and why each of the settlements was affected , but at least in the sixteenth century we know that there was a shortage of land to provide food to feed everyone .
7 Erm , so on that , on major services , it is incumbent upon you to consult , erm , and detailed advice is given by me to the Director in relation to each of the , of the er , proposals as to when and how consultation should take place .
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