Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [prep] they [art] " in BNC.

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1 His family had always been Delhi jewellers — his ancestors had served the Mughal emperors and before them the Delhi Sultans .
2 His face was equally extraordinary , pale and soft , smooth like a young girl 's , with pursed , prim lips and above them a slightly crooked nose .
3 Also the fold singularities in regions II and III that have a topological character , are quasiregular singularities since on them the curvature tensor is zero .
4 Such an equilibrium is stable ; that is , the price , if displaced a little from it , will tend to return , as a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point ; and it will be found to be a characteristic of stable equilibria that in them the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , and vice versa .
5 The prime task of the 1905 revolution had been to break up the large estates and with them the political and economic power of the nobility .
6 There , there clearly were a , a , a group , not j the warlords but underneath them a set of landlords who were extremely you , you , you 've got this gentry who are probably screwing the peasantry .
7 Just before La Barre , the road for Biarritz bends to the left and you can drive peaceably into that still glamorous resort , with the racecourse , the pine trees and beyond them the sands on one side , and more pine trees , the little Lac de Chiberta and the best known of Biarritz 's golf-courses on the other — the Basque Coast is very good for golf , with four courses all quite close to one another ; this is the English influence once again , creating links out of some auspicious dunes .
8 Gorbachev 's speech on his election as party leader laid proper emphasis on domestic priorities , but also called for better relations with the ‘ great socialist community ’ , particularly China , and for the continuation of ‘ peaceful , mutually advantageous cooperation ’ with the capitalist world , leading if possible to an agreement that would provide for the complete elimination of nuclear arms and with them the threat of nuclear war .
9 One needs the published histories of the towns and behind them the town records themselves .
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