Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] and then " in BNC.

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1 Looks of surprise were exchanged all round them as he set an arm round Lachlan 's shoulders that stiffened and then relaxed ; and then the cheering erupted .
2 as I was holding on a particular images and create and then become those energy
3 The police er do n't refer a lot of things to us , I know it 's difficult but er I feel that we ought to have more occasions er where er we are made aware of things that happen and then we can help er in various ways by referrals to those agencies and of course , financially .
4 This is mainly what we are concerned with here , as it these areas that can cause us problems when designing and then transferring to the console .
5 And unfortunately settees appeared at the bottom of the you know , just been pushed over the sides and appeared and then they were left .
6 All the same , the text makes no claim to be citing this rescript , and it is very curious that the jurist should first limit his remarks to the facts as stated and then go on to limit them to the words quoted ; especially since the facts stated amount to little more than those words .
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