Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [noun] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Darwin brought not only animals but man himself into the evolutionary scheme .
2 Kick hard with your feet and position yourself by the rear quarter of the board .
3 Steel your heart , gird up your vitals and content yourself with the company of bold fellows like Kelly and myself … ’
4 If they do not express the concept of multiple points of view in a way familiar to those schooled in western ways , we might be justified in exposing the limitations of their expressions and of the thought system within which they operate , but this would not tell us anything about the individuals or groups themselves as thinkers .
5 After eighty yards we came to the rails and sleepers themselves under a foot of water leading onwards into the blackness .
6 Franca could not answer these questions or interest herself in such formulations .
7 Cregar might lounge in silk pajamas and stuff himself with Parisian chocolates , but he was still a supporting heavy , a cringing underling who 'd never last at the top of the criminal tree .
8 The sense of joy and spiritual opportunity at the heart of this interpretation of human history and the life of faith is vibrantly embodied in a fifteenth-century carol : It has been suggested that this carol is guilty of reducing the mystery of God to human terms and redemption itself to " little more than a lark " .
9 2 or 3 days at home in Oxfordshire is a luxury , even when he does get the chance to relax , he watches re-runs and readies himself for the next race .
10 Rather than launch into these discussions with yet another set of theories , the aim of teaching in the New Testament department is to help students to go back to the verses and passages themselves for new insights and new understanding .
11 The four-piece ensemble ( Keith Peberdy on bass ; Alan Dodgson on guitar ; Stuart Ellerton on drums and Bone himself on saxes ) just turn-up and play no rehearsal beforehand which means their jazz is totally spontaneous .
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