Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 The risks involved in entering new markets , new sectors or using new processes can be externalized or shared within conglomerate groups or underwritten by the state on behalf of society .
2 Product orientation — in this case the organization stands or falls by the quality of its products .
3 In the Guidance ( vol 1 , para 4.63 ) it is suggested that assessments be undertaken by professionals agreed between the parties or selected by the guardian ad litem .
4 There are indeed some paradoxical pains — that is , pain that is aggravated by the use of analgesics or relieved by the use of antalgesics .
5 These include , the significance of the inaccuracy ; whether reasonable steps where taken by the data user to check the accuracy of information held and what procedures were followed by the data user once the inaccuracy was brought to light ( DPR Guideline 4 ) .
6 ‘ And I guess that a player like me is loved by one half of the fans and hated by the other half .
7 The history of religions is a history of intolerance and cruelty towards non-believers , and the love extends only to those who are believers and loved by the same supernatural being .
8 My life as the wife of a veterinary surgeon is surrounded by animals and dominated by the telephone .
9 The local authority appealed against that part of the order by which the justices purported to direct that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement with L. on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to attach a condition to the care order which had been agreed by the parties and approved by the justices ; ( 2 ) in the alternative , the justices had no jurisdiction to make the direction , because ( i ) it had the effect of fettering the discretion of the local authority in the exercise of its functions under section 33 of the Children Act 1989 , and ( ii ) the justices had no power to order the guardian ad litem to ‘ have continued involvement ’ once the proceedings had been concluded by the making of an order under section 41 of the Children Act 1989 ; and ( 3 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to make a direction which anticipated a further application before the court , the justices power to give directions in respect of future applications being confined to a prohibition of further specified applications under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 .
10 Agent Monteith refused it , pressured by the settlers ' supporters and frustrated by the Wallowa band 's reluctance to farm .
11 Encouraged by his supporters and lured by the promise of a genuine title challenge , he could n't resist .
12 These begin from an appreciation of the complementary nature of data arriving through the different sensory channels and expand by the acquisition of concepts such as the continuity of the physical world , e.g. a person who walks behind a screen has not vanished , it is accepted that he is still there even though temporarily there is no sense data to confirm it , but a hypothesis will be generated which supposes that , if he walked behind a screen at a constant speed , he ought to reappear at a given time at the other side of the screen .
13 Usually , this is granted to publications written by the clergy and approved by the church — in our case , it was awarded for services to the lesbian and gay community , and for generally being a good magazine .
14 Sgt Taylor , the mid-upper gunner and myself , the rear gunner , were evaders for three months until liberated by the Americans .
15 Dominating the interior is the vast , shallow cupola supported on its tremendous pendentives and flanked by the half domes on the two long sides .
16 The Public Order Act of 1936 was passed by Parliament to control political rallies and marches by the British Union of Fascists and the counter-demonstrations which such rallies provoked .
17 Among puppies seeking homes are six which were given as festive presents but rescued by the RSPCA when the owners could not cope .
18 The proposed gala contained many elements of reunification activities organized by Southern dissidents but banned by the government .
19 It had been relatively constant for at least the previous three centuries as shown by the work of the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure ( Laslett and Wall , 1972 ) .
20 As currently envisaged , " stage three " involved the transfer of powers to a European central bank and the creation of a single European currency ( rather than a " hard ecu " used in parallel with existing European currencies as proposed by the UK — see p. 37969 ) .
21 Significant colon inflammation was induced in the colitic groups compared with the saline treated animals as measured by the colon macroscopic score , colon weight and colon weight/ body weight ratio ( p<0.05 ) ( Table II ) .
22 In contrast , the soviet-communist theory of the press involves the state ownership of all media , which are then harnessed to the achievement of national goals as defined by the ruling party and government .
23 Sports shops are stocking up on odd trainers as worn by the pint-sized star — leaving parents to foot a bill of around £160 when they are asked to provide the ill-matching black and white pairs .
24 The approach used analysis of national income data to quantify the regulation of demand , and when the statement turned from discussion of the transition to a peacetime economy it became a standard exposition of Keynesian policy prescriptions as interpreted by the academic economists in Whitehall .
25 — Chinese traders when asked by the Romans what country they came from should really have replied ‘ Chung-kuo ’ ( Middle Kingdom ) .
26 It provides considerable insight into the eventual difficulties of the early twentieth century mass production methods as exemplified by the moving belt type assembly line .
27 Some kind of feedback process could be implemented whereby all levels of analysis can learn from the identification of the correct words as chosen by the user ( see figure 6.2 ) .
28 Feeding your fish is probably the most important aspect of the hobby , but one which in terms of technical and specific advice seems to me a very grey area indeed , not helped particularly by product-leaflets/literature or indeed product labels as designed by the fish food manufacturers .
29 The most dramatic difference in the two pictures as seen by the remote observer is in the nature of radiation he receives from the object .
30 In the above example Ptr1 , Ptr2 , and Ptr3 are pointer variables as denoted by the ∘ in their type definitions .
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