Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The words which do not appear in other lists fall into several important groups : signs relevant to deaf culture , signs which might be subject to borrowing by languages in contact , signs where compounding is likely to occur , number and colour terms .
2 8. ‘ … are the only organizations that have been able to do what they do at all , even though it might seem that what they do is not that difficult or mysterious a thing ’ .
3 But my experience is also , if we 'd bought the books that had been printed neighbours in the first place , no one would have noticed the difference .
4 He built his shed which , made as it was of old floorboards from a couple of hovels that had been empty for years , resembled a shack .
5 What enraged the liberals was that this involved placing political appointees at much lower levels of the hierarchies than had been usual , to increase the positive responsiveness of the bureaucracy to his policies .
6 The trend towards equality of attainment is especially marked in schools that have been comprehensive for a long time .
7 The IRA claimed the man , although a Catholic , was a ‘ hit man and intelligence officer ’ for the extreme Protestant Ulster Freedom Fighters and had been involved in a number of gun attacks on nationalists and republicans .
8 Many have seen this apparition , some claim to have hit her with their cars and to have been astounded to discover no evidence of a body on further investigation .
9 Short 's preparation has been under way for six months and has been intensive .
10 I am still under the influence of Milton 's potent spell cast in the first two books and have been unable to find a successful remedy in the following books to bring .
11 So much so that she was not left alone with him , but that afternoon the mother had had to go shopping and the child had returned from a swimming session in the baths and had been alone with the man .
12 Erm and he 's saying that you know to start with basically education has always been the preserve of the landlords , er the peasants have n't had anything to do with education , have always been poor illiterate peasants erm and now he 's saying that because the landlords have been overthrown erm suddenly peasants er have , you know , are forming erm schools and have been able to be taught various things .
13 One view is that it is the result of government parsimony towards prison staff ; the other is that such staff shortages as occur are due to the arcane system of rigid restrictive practices developed by the Prison Officers ' Association ( POA ) .
14 When I was approached over Westland , it was by some of the banks and institutions that had been involved in the John Brown affair .
15 His social and economic situation continues to be regulated by the kind of disciplines that have been familiar to successive generations of workers on the land — ; poverty , the lack of alternative employment opportunities , the intense localism , the dependency for jobs and housing on local farmers .
16 The hours that followed were full of the lust of one woman for another 's body .
17 The proposals that emerged were different for London , the rest of England , Wales and Scotland : to say nothing of the difficult position which developed in Northern Ireland .
18 The software houses that have been slow to see the way the wind was blowing and have hardly started recasting their applications for Unix .
19 There would be no reason to expect either the ‘ gap ’ or the clear commitment to deviant values that have been such persistent stumbling blocks for the traditional versions of these theories .
20 The only rules that matter are practical ones that respect local sensitivities .
21 Authorities that have been rate-capped and lost grant have had to cut services or put off planned improvements .
22 ‘ It is not as though we are bad shopkeepers or have been foolish with our money .
23 Finally , there are a few killers that have been able to develop a special tolerance for certain poisons , enabling them to eat the noxious prey without ill-effects .
24 The evidence from the few areas that have been bored or surveyed geophysically supports this view , but other evidence does not fit so well .
25 Rats that had been pre-exposed to a tone were trained on a task in which presses on a lever in the presence of the tone yielded reward but responses in the absence of the tone did not .
26 In their experiment , rats that have been pre-exposed to a noise prior to noise-shock conditioning trials showed latent inhibition in that , on a final test session , the noise elicited only a weak CR .
27 Yet half the names could not leave even if they wanted to : they are locked into the 58 ( out of a total of 401 ) Lloyd 's syndicates that have been unable to close one or more of their past annual accounts , so unquantifiable are the liabilities stacking up against them .
28 Being one of those select few companies that have been able to secure access to initial deliveries of Texas Instruments Inc 's SuperSparc RISC processor ( UX No 384 ) , it is understood that ICL last week totted up numbers required by its various departments and placed its order with TI for the part , which will feature in the DRS6000 workstation range from the fourth quarter .
29 Silence fell as Creggan and the other eagles that had been listening thought about what Minch had told them .
30 I think if anything can stop some of the things happening to youngsters that have been this year then it is a good thing .
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