Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We actually wrote some pop songs together at that time , it was fun . ’
2 Sorry , one thing I did n't explain , I it 's , it 's probably quite obvious , but I 'll explain it anyway , which is the reason for putting the planning calendars in at that place is your diary expires in the December of next , of this year , you will probably order your refill in October , November er , of next year , and , and based on our outstanding customer services this year , you 'll probably receive it next February .
3 The best place to find the pulse in a child over one-year-old is the carotid artery which passes either side of the windpipe in the neck and can be felt by pressing two forefingers gently at this point .
4 However , even in these cases , it is found that there exist at least distribution valued singularities just at these points .
5 Well like , for example , we have excellent educational psychologists in Oxfordshire and erm we have advisers for children with special needs in Oxfordshire , and they are extremely useful people in helping out those many children who are not like the average run of children and have specific and particular problems , and I was very fearful that eventually an opted out school might turn its noses up at such children , and I think they needed protection , so that 's one example .
6 There were no lifts lifting the cars up at that time .
7 He was in luck ; just as he reached the corner , casting nervous eyes upwards at another screech , Henri saw a glowering Richmann come out of the building .
8 Were there quite a few vessels around at that time that were giving assistance ?
9 Nearly all the vessels around at this time of year are private yachts and fishermen .
10 There were only a couple of cars there at that time of the evening .
11 The fifteen hundred men who had set off north from the Forth directly after the first struggle with Siward and who must be less than two hours away at this moment , marching up Strathallan by the way he had come himself , passing Dunblane and Forteviot .
12 Most pregnant mothers are told to relax and put their feet up at some point every day — and many of them had done so while watching these television programmes .
13 The hardware handshaking is always active , so if you only want to use software handshaking , you will need to wire a cable to set the handshaking lines high at all times .
14 To take the garbage pickers on at this rate would increase their costs and would bring about the additional cost of security benefits .
15 Now 3 staff members say they spotted someone very similar 2 days before at another college site 2 miles away at Northstar .
16 The facts made the contempt he had felt for her , six years ago at any rate , even more understandable .
17 Yeah Wonder why the police car put its lights on at that moment .
18 He warned Theo not to be confused , to get his priorities right at all costs , and to take care not to bow down before the ‘ money devil ’ .
19 She could think of hundreds , no , thousands of replies just at this moment and each one had innumerable abusive words peppered throughout .
20 So er if I can just have the lights off at this stage please .
21 If you decide to accept infertility or childlessness , then this is the process you will need to go through ; it 's difficult , but we all have to leave dreams behind at some time in our lives .
22 I 'll check things out at this end to see if anything might be causing it here — you ca n't all have just suddenly changed your addresses !
23 And then : ‘ I possess a stone head by Modigliani which I would not part with for a hundred pounds even at this crisis : and I routed out this head from a corner sacred to the rubbish of centuries and was called stupid for my pains in taking it away .
24 The other end of the main corridor , with the classrooms , dining room and library , he called Hardside because lifewas hard at that end of the school .
25 I did n't even need to think about my personal difficulties again at that time .
26 Living on the farm we were quite isolated , we had no street lights outside , there were no lights Very many lights anywhere at that time .
27 No well we used to kill them with a stick but of course they used to lay the rabbits out at that time to see how many they caught cos that was a little bit of perks for the farm labourers they used to buy a rabbit for sixpence , then they go up to ninepence for a rabbit .
28 Regular visitors to Switzerland will almost inevitably have changed trains there at some time or another .
29 But presumably there were one or two great exponents around at that time that set the whole thing off ?
30 Cerebral function was tested by measuring four choice reaction times twice at each glucose plateau .
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